Literature for children

“Manas” the Kyrgyz heroic epic (illustrated)
Literature for children
Beksultan Zhakiev, National Writer of Kyrgyzstan
Zamir Ilipov
kyrgyz, russian
The "Manas" epic is a unique code of the Kyrgyz people that stores not only its historical memory, but also the spiritual capacity for the future - the formula of unity, strength and stability, mobility of the nation in spite of all the world challenges.
The "Manas" heroic epic in drawings published for children in Kyrgyz and Russian languages. It will briefly introduce children with the story of Manas, with an epic that has millions of lines. To make it easier for the child to perceive a rather complex text of the epic, the authors resorted to the Japanese manga genre and created concise texts with illustrations. After reading this book, children will more confidently take up the literary texts of Manas. This book will make easier to recognize the plots of Manas tellers’ recitations, folk festivals and performances, stage plays, films about Manas. Thus, subsequently, readers will be able to familiarize themselves with the authentic texts of the great Manas tellers Sayakbai Karalayev, Sagynbai Orozbakov, Zhusup Mamai and other famous storytellers.
The book was published in Russian in order to introduce the unique literary and poetic heritage of the Kyrgyz people to a wide circle of Russian speaking readers, as well as all those who do not speak the Kyrgyz language well enough.
The book contains a glossary compiled by Raisa Kydyrbaeva, the doctor of philological sciences, folklorist-manasologist and Asel Isaeva, the candidate of philological sciences.
The idea of creating the book belongs to Roza Isakovna Otunbaeva, the former president of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Literature for children
Nuria Shagapova
Zhyldyz Bekova
kyrgyz, russian
“Ballerina” is a book not only for those girls and boys who like to dance, dream about ballet and a stage, but also for all who want to learn more about their homeland, its wonderful and talented people, how challenging and exciting is the way to the top of fame. This is a story about a girl Biubiusara from a small foothill Kyrgyz village. She loved to dance and, thanks to her perseverance and hard work, became a famous ballerina, glorifying her homeland Kyrgyzstan to the entire world. Many colorful illustrations and explanations of ballet terms introduce children to the enchanting world of ballet.
The book “Ballerina”, published on the occasion of the 90th anniversary of Biubiusara Beishenalieva in Russian and Kyrgyz, received a special diploma of the XIV Moscow International Competition of the CIS Member States.

We study our Kyrgyzstan
Literature for children
Altyn Kapalova. Idea and initiative: Klara Issak Kyzy
Kina Jusupova, Sergey Marchenko
kyrgyz, russian
This is not just an enlightening book, but a veritable encyclopedia written an interesting and child friendly language form of travel story. Detailed maps, colorful illustrations, an emphasis on the sights of each region, assignments for children and recommendations for parents and teachers - all these make the publication unique.
This is a book about our Motherland - about its regions, nature, beautiful places in different parts of the country, about the kindness and hospitality of the people living here. It encourages the young reader to learn more about Kyrgyzstan and what each of us can do in order to preserve its flora and fauna, ecology, historical monuments and spiritual intangible heritage.
Let this book be the first guide to the wonderful world of Kyrgyzstan’s biocultural diversity for your child.
The book was published as part of the “Think Globally, Act Locally Environmental Project: Enhancing Environmental Responsibility among Children and Youth” with the support of the Christensen Foundation.

Ayman. The First Violin
Literature for children
Raisa Musahadjaeva, Dinora Azimova
Elena Chaikovskaya
kyrgyz, russian
The silence swallowed everything around, you can hear the belated spectator in a hurry to take his place ... Ayman, a lovely female violin player from Kazakhstan, looking around the room, tries the bow, the last preparations ... Spectators are fascinated by the music flowing from under the fingers of a virtuoso… Hall applauds…
The book will tell you about the violin that conquered the world, about the violinist, in whose hands the instrument cries and laughs.

Fairing for children
Literature for children
Alym Toktomushev
Bek Zhaichybekov
This book tells about mysterious cases in the history of mankind, about famous personalities, about the ancient states of the legendary Kosh-Ozon, pharaohs and ancient libraries, about the fate of ancient people and many other interesting historical events. Written in a child friendly language this book enables children to solve the mysteries of ancient heritage.

To visit my friends!
Literature for children
Алтын Аман
Joum Goun
kyrgyz, russian
This book is a small trip to the diverse culture of ethnic groups in Kyrgyzstan. Bekzhan, a boy invites little readers to visit his friends - representatives of different nationalities, to introduce their rich culture, customs and traditions.
The book tells about the hospitality and graciousness of the peoples of Kyrgyzstan. The young reader will learn about the ethnic groups living among us, when and how they came to Kyrgyz land, what are the roots of their language, their customs and traditions, what fairy tales and lullabies their children listen to, what games they play, how their folk costumes look, what songs they sing, what musical instruments they play.
The book is published by the Foundation in Russian and Kyrgyz languages and suitable for children independent reading.

Magical voice of Ismail
Literature for children
Dinora Azimova
Bekzod Abdullaev
kyrgyz, russian
Do you like opera? Have you heard it? It said this can be understood by going to see it at least once. And from this first time you can forever fall in love with the opera, plunge into its mysterious and enchanting world.
The book will tell you about this amazing art, about the strong will of a talented person in an effort to achieve a goal. Ismail Jalilov, singing songs in his childhood and youth, could not even imagine where his magical voice given to him by nature would lead. How much the call of music will reflect on his fate, how radically his life path will change.

“Mother - Daughter” (Exhibition Catalog)
Literature for children
Jamby Jusubaliyeva
The book tells about various types of art and folk art, which is preserved and embodied by entire family dynasties - the spiritual culture guardians of the Kyrgyz people. Many of the creative methods are included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity.
The book presents samples of visual art - painting, graphics, applied art in interweaving with folk art. The unique artistic creations of Kyrgyz women are a message from distant ancestors to their descendants.

Китай сегодня. От Китайской стены до компаний-"единорогов"
Literature for children
Алтынай Жунусова, Жаныбек Капаров
Айзат Жунусова
kyrgyz, russian
Издание-путеводитель, с которым вы отправитесь в увлекательное путешествие по загадочной стране и узнаете секрет золотых крыш императорских дворцов, почему в Китае не используют наличные, чем славятся китайские компании-«единороги», где в Китае находится «Небесное око», каково значение самого сложного иероглифа, почему современное китайское искусство одно из самых популярных в мире, а также о великих изобретениях Китая, которыми мы пользуемся сегодня, и о многом другом.
С красочными рисунками и головоломками, а также с QR кодами, при помощи которых можно быстро найти и посмотреть видео, некоторые на английском языке.
Книга адресована всем, кто интересуется историей стран и народов мира и хочет больше узнать о современном Китае.

Кыз китеп
Literature for children
Книга предназначена для девочек в возрасте от восьми до 18 лет и отвечает на вопросы о гигиене, спорте и поведении девочек.

My computer
Literature for children
B. Chynybaeva
Эта книга будет интересна не только детям, но и читателям постарше. Книга рассказывает об истории создания компьютера, задачах, которые он выполняет, его устройстве и видах, способах обучения работе, помогает познавать мир методами, отвечающими требованиям времени, повышать свой уровень образования, самостоятельно читать и учиться, использовать полученные знания, использовать свои многочисленные навыки.Это позволяет реализовать свои многогранные способности и выразить себя через искусство, расширить свое мировоззрение.
Идея написания и издания этой книги принадлежит Розе Отунбаевой - основателю Международного общественного фонда «Инициатива Розы Отунбаевой», экс-Президенту Кыргызстана.

Muratbek and his way to music
Literature for children
Altynai Abetekova
Nurlan Dyuishobekov
kyrgyz, russian
Previous books introduce us to the world of performers and artists. This book will tell young readers about the creator of music - composer Muratbek Begaliev. As a teenager, Muratbek saw a vast world in musical art and his vocation in it. A book about an outstanding compatriot will be interesting to read to both children and adults.

From Pele to Murzaev
Literature for children
Ivan Marchenko
kyrgyz, russian
Football is the dream of hundreds of thousands of boys and girls, which can become a reality for every child. Love for football, diligence and perseverance will definitely lead to success.
The book was published with the support of the “Askar Salymbekov Foundation” and the Kyrgyz Football Union.

Series of children's books of 10 Chinese fairy tales
Literature for children
kyrgyz, russian
We have prepared a series of children's books for our youngest readers - these are ten Chinese fairy tales: Legend of Love of the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl, Nezha Conquers the Sea Dragon, Uproar in Heaven, A Deer of Nine Colors, Old Man YuiGounMoves the Mountains, Mencius' Mother Moving Three Times, SimaGuang and the Cauldron, HuaMulan, Three Monks, The Story of the Twelve Zodiac Animals.
Born by the people, handed down from generation to generation, fairy tales convey the wisdom of the people, their character, dreams and hopes like nothing else.

Lightning that resounds mountains
Literature for children
Sooronbai Zhusuyev
Bek Zhaichybekov
The book “Lightning that resounds mountains” written by the national poet of Kyrgyzstan S. Zhusuyev for children of primary school age, was published on the eve of the celebration of International Children's Day. The collection includes poems and fairy tales telling about the unique beauty of the Kyrgyz land, about the entertaining life of children.
Through his poems, the author educates the younger generation, helps to preserve the spiritual heritage of their ancestors, and teaches us to love our people, our land, take care of nature, and be honest and fair.

"Yurystanbek, who ... did not become a lawyer”
Literature for children
Elenora Proyaeva
Rakhat Itikeyev
kyrgyz, russian
Remember the ancient petroglyphs, for example, in Saimaluu-Tash and you will understand that a man from ancient times tried to capture the paintings that arose in his imagination. What is hidden under the intricate patterns of shyrdak - are there simply bends? What do these drawings keep from us? What do they want to tell us about?
Read this book. It will introduce you to the vast and wonderful world of fine art, and maybe your hand will also reach out to pencils, brushes and paints and the white sheet of paper lying in front of you will sparkle with bright colors.