The Life of Remarkable People (in Kyrgyz)

J.F.Kennedy “Profiles of Courage”
The Life of Remarkable People (in Kyrgyz)
Translation from English: Tynchtykbek Chorotegin
The book of the 35th US President J.F. Kennedy, “Profiles of Courage”, is dedicated to the activities of 8 US senators who have made a great contribution to the country's public life.
The book was awarded the Pulitzer Prize for Literature in 1957 in the nomination “Autobiographical Work”.
The book is published in Kyrgyz language for the first time by the “Roza Otunbayeva Initiative” International Public Foundation. The book reflects the features of social and political life of the United States and the freedom of speech. formation stages.

Women Who Dedicated Their Love to Their Motherland
The Life of Remarkable People (in Kyrgyz)
Abdyjapar Nurdinov
The book contains interesting sketches about the lives and activities of twenty-one women with unique backgrounds, who at different times, left their country and went to a foreign place, lived as migrants among strangers, achieved success through their hard work, and contributed to the development of our Kyrgyz society. As you read each story in the book, you see the harsh nature of migration is even more serious when it comes to women.

Oy uchkundary/Flashes of Thought
The Life of Remarkable People (in Kyrgyz)
Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mahtoum
Kassym Mashakbaiuulu Rakhmankulov, Tynchtykbek Chorotegin
The “Rosa Otunbayeva Initiative” International Public Foundation has published Oyuchkundary (Flashes of Thought), a book written by Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al-Mahtoum, Vice President and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The book describes his thoughts on current and future development trends in the UAE. The book by the most influential leader of the Muslim country has been published as part of the book series of the “Rosa Otunbayeva Initiative” International Public Foundation "Lives of remarkable people".

My father Deng Xiaoping during the years of the “cultural revolution”
The Life of Remarkable People (in Kyrgyz)
Deng Xioaping’s daughter Maomao (Deng Rong)
Translation from English: Abibilla Pazylov, Tynchtykbek Chorotegin, Esenbai Nurushev
The book was written by the youngest daughter of Deng Xiaoping, Dan Rong, known under her pen name Maomao. Although the chief economic architect of China had a large family, it was the youngest daughter who became the most recognized and authoritative biographer of her great father.
The translation was made by a group of Kyrgyz linguistic scientists. The book is designed for a wide range of readers.

Never give up! The best speeches of W. Churchill
The Life of Remarkable People (in Kyrgyz)
W. Churchill
Translation from English: Baktygiul Kalambekova
The name of Winston Churchill, who led the United Kingdom during the reign of six monarchs, from the Queen Victoria to Elizabeth II, is forever written in the history of the XX century. In the epistolary heritage, his sixty-year political and state activity is reflected in the capacious phrase “Never give up!” These words of Winston Churchill became aphorisms and exerted a tangible influence on the development of the modern world. Winston Churchill's grandson collected the most important texts from the speeches of his distinguished ancestor.
Winston Churchill's collection of selected speeches is offered to our readers in Kyrgyz language for the first time.

The strength of fragility and rigidity of art: Women in the cinema of Kyrgyzstan
The Life of Remarkable People (in Kyrgyz)
The book was conceived and created by the “Roza Otunbayeva Initiative”International Public Foundation. It acquaints readers with a galaxy of talented women in Kyrgyz cinema and opens up new horizons for modern youth who dream of working in cinema.
Without memorable female images created in Kyrgyz films, our cinema, called the “Kyrgyz miracle” would be incomplete, without a sincere, soulful look at reality.

Xi Jinping: The Governance of China
The Life of Remarkable People (in Kyrgyz)
Xi Jinping
Translation from English: Baktygiul Kalambekova
A book by PRC Chairman Xi Jinping on state reforms, thanks to which China has become a leader in world development, has caused great resonance among the world community. It is translated into many world languages - English, Russian, Arabic, Spanish, German, Japanese, Korean, Kazakh, etc.
The publication of the book by Xi Jinping in the Kyrgyz language is a kind of bridge for further strengthening friendship and mutual understanding between the neighboring nations, between Kyrgyzstan and China. It provides an opportunity to better understand the concept of China's development, the principles of its domestic and foreign policy. Xi Jinping’s in-depth writings and reports reveal to readers the principles of China’s governance and its political strategy, provide an opportunity to objectively evaluate the country's historical development and the challenges that the Chinese people have successfully overcome under the leadership of the CCP in the past four decades.
A translation of the book into Kyrgyz was prepared by the “Roza Otunbayeva Initiative” Public Foundation in cooperation with the Chinese publishing house of literature in foreign languages.

An experiment with truth. The Aphorisms.
The Life of Remarkable People (in Kyrgyz)
Mahatma Gandhi
Translation from English: Tynchtykbek Chorotegin
“An Experiment with Truth”, the book of the great Indian humanist and enlightener Mahatma Gandhi, was first time translated into Kyrgyz. Mahatma Gandhi (Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi) (1869-1948) is one of the Indian national liberation movement leaders and its ideologist. The ideas of Mahatma Gandhi were able to change the consciousness of the multimillion population of India, which was a turn towards the growth of national self-consciousness, interfaith and inter-caste dialogue, and peaceful development of the country.
The book of Mahatma Gandhi in Kyrgyz language provides an opportunity for a wide circle of Kyrgyz readers to get acquainted with the cultural features and diverse history of India at the beginning of the 20th century, to learn about how a vast country - Kyrgyzstan’s neighbor in the region - overcame challenges in the process of political, economic and social transformations.