Upbringing guidance for parents

Getting ready for school
Upbringing guidance for parents
Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva
Bek Zhaichybekov
Book helps children how to behave among their peers and written in a child friendly language. It teaches about being responsible for their actions at the first independent decisions.
In the series "We are going to school," the Foundation has published three books in Kyrgyz language that will help both children and parents to cope with possible challenges in the first school years.

"Kindergarten Is Too Late!"
Upbringing guidance for parents
Masaru Ibuka
Translation from Russian: Asylbek Joodonbekov
The author of this amazingly good book believes that young children have the ability to learn anything. He reflects on the huge impact of the environment on newborns and offers simple and understandable teaching methods that contribute to the child early development. In his opinion, what adults learn with great difficulty, children learn effortlessly. And the main thing in this process is to introduce a new experience in time. However only the one who is next to the child day by day can recognize this “in time”.
The book is addressed to parents who want to discover new wonderful opportunities for their children to develop at an early age.

Journey to elementary school
Upbringing guidance for parents
Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva
Bek Zhaichybekov
Book will tell about rules of conduct and order at school, and help child to learn useful skills and consolidate them. After all, the sooner the child settles among his/her peers in new conditions, the sooner he will be able to develop. For a better perception, the book is written in a child friendly language.

The secret of friendship
Upbringing guidance for parents
Dogdurkul Kendirbaeva
Bek Zhaichybekov
Our country is beautiful in its diversity, its diverse people are famous for their hospitality and goodwill. The book is aimed at raising children in peace and harmony. It will help the child understand that friendship knows no boundaries that it doesn’t matter who your classmate or neighbor is by nationality, that our Kyrgyzstan is the home for every citizen of the republic. The book is written in a very understandable and accessible language for the children.
All three books from the series “Child upbringing guidance for parents” are aimed at developing the child’s self-awareness and perception of the world around him.