Engaging the Potential of Labour Migrants in Development Processes in Kyrgyzstan.

September 30, 2021 at 09:10

On 29 September, the Rosa Otunbayeva Initiative, International Public Foundation, participated in a round table on "Engaging the Potential of Labour Migrants in Development Processes in Kyrgyzstan". The event provided a platform for joint discussion, raising awareness on the links between migration and development in the country, as well as for an exchange of views on possible future activities in Kyrgyzstan taking into account existing challenges and current priorities of the Government.


The round table also presented the new Concept of State Migration Policy for 2020-2030 developed by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic with the support of the IOM (International Labour Organization) and UNDP (United Nations Development Program).


Tashtanbek Kaimazarov, director of the Department of External Migration of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, noted "The Government of Kyrgyzstan has approved the Migration Policy Concept for 2021-2030, which is a long-term vision for the management of migration processes. It approves the country's main priorities for solving the migration problem and directing it towards the benefit of Kyrgyzstan's development. The strategy document, among other things, underlined the importance of creating a special assistance program to ensure the return and sustainable reintegration of returning migrants, especially women and children, as well as people with negative migration experiences".


Oksana Machuka, UNDP representative in Kyrgyzstan, conducted a roundtable presentation on assessing the attitude of local authorities on returning migrants and their readiness to support them. Also, Bermet Moldobaeva, Head of the IOM office in Kyrgyzstan, presented the results of the research on mapping the diaspora of Kyrgyzstani citizens, compatriots and migrants abroad.


The event was jointly organized by UNDP and IOM; it was attended by representatives of governmental bodies, the non-governmental sector, donors, and the academic community of Kyrgyzstan.