Peace Festival was held in the village of Orozbekov, Kadamjai district, Batken region
April 26, 2021 at 01:29
The Peace Festival was held on April 23, 2021 in OrozbekovVIllage, KadamjaiDistrict, Batken region,in the contextof "Migrant Women - a Pillar of Development" project implemented by the “RozaOtunbayeva Initiative” International PublicFoundation(ROI IPF). The event was attended by:ChinaraAbdraimakunova, representative of the “RozaOtunbayeva Initiative” Foundation;MeilkanAsanova, Deputy Head of KadamjaiDistrict; Maria Orozalieva, representative of Women's Initiative Group;Orozbekov local administration activists; local council members; youth committee members; schoolchildren and representatives of pilot village administrations.
The purpose of the event was to strengthen peacebuilding at the local
level, strengthen unity among community members, and to recognize the role of
women and girls in migration.
An exhibition of handicrafts by former migrant women was organized
during the Peace Festival. In order to involve children in the topic of
peacebuilding, conflict
prevention and to improve their understanding on peacebuilding, presentations
were made by schoolchildren on the topic of "Peacebuilding".
Chairman of the Osh City Department of the Union of Artists of Kyrgyzstan Kubanychbek Mamaraimov, Chairman of the Osh branch of the Kyrgyzstan Union of Artists, also held a master class for schoolchildren from four schools. The master class participants took part in the "Participation of Girls and Women in Peacebuilding" competition. The winners were awarded books published by the “RozaOtunbayeva Initiative”IPF. A total of 16 easels were donated to students from four schools.
As part of the event, a presentation of positive experiences in establishing a foundation for migrant women was held. BoobekovaJyldyz, a former migrant, shared her experience in producing biohumus. The audience heard from a speaker about the experience of opening a kindergarten for children of migrants.
The Peace Festival provided an opportunity to learn about local people’s experiences in peacebuilding,asthe event aimed to raise public awareness of how to self-organizein order toaddress the challenges facing the community.
The project "Empowering Women
and Girls Affected by Migration for Inclusive
and Peaceful Community Development" is implemented jointly with UN Women, the
International Organization for Migration,
and the International Labor Organization with financial support from the UN
Peacebuilding Fund.