In the scope of the "Girls in Science" project, kindergarten directors in pilot districts are being trained in modern planning methods

May 13, 2024, 07:21

The International Public Foundation Roza Otunbaeva Initiative, as part of the UNICEF project "Girls in Science," is conducting research on the strategic development plans of educational organizations and regional city departments of education. This research includes the study of gender sensitivity and STEM education, and assists these organizations in creating development plans that align with modern requirements.


According to the work plan, consultative meetings were conducted in May 2024 with the heads of kindergartens, as well as the heads and employees of district education departments in Kochkor and At-Bashy districts of Naryn region, and Alamedin and Issyk-Ata districts of Chui region. These events focused on discussing the social, gender-sensitive aspects of the strategic development plan, along with action plans for the formation of scientific, mathematical, and technical directions, as well as life skills. The meetings facilitated the exchange of opinions and consultations.


The kindergarten directors emphasized the importance of these studies and consultation activities, particularly in light of the ongoing serious reforms in the education sector, and the absence of strategic and general planning studies.


Similar meetings and consultations will continue in Nookat district of Osh region, Suzak district of Jalal-Abad region, and Kyzyl-Kyia city of Batken region.