Poetry - herald of equality. Final quiz.
December 21, 2023 at 07:40
part of the "16 Days of Activism against
Gender-Based Violence",
a poem evening and a quiz were held together with the
participants of the "Living with Dignity" project in
Ivanovka village.
December 3, 2023, the international public foundation "Roza Otunbayeva Initiative" held a poem evening called "POETRY - HERALD
OF EQUALITY" at primary school No. 3 in Ivanovka village of Chui region.
At the event, Zhypara Isabaeva, Honored Worker of Culture of the Kyrgyz
Republic, Abdyjalil Betegeev, a member of the Kyrgyz National Union of Writers,
and Venera Akmatova, a member of the Kyrgyz National Union of Writers, read
their poems about parents, women, children, and nature protection.
A resident of Ivanovka village Roza Suurulova and Malika
Sulaimanova, a student of the 11th grade of school No. 2 named after Akylbek
Tursunaliev, read their poems, and expressed their gratitude to the organizers,
saying that this event fed their souls and gave them rest.
addition, within the framework of the "Living with
project, a final quiz was organized with the participants of the event, and valuable gifts were presented.
Dzhekshenov, a participant in the project, said, "In Kyrgyzstan, girls were treated specially, they used to sit on the throne and
were given special respect. By participating in this project, we were able to
get a lot of useful information on preventing violence against women. I express
my gratitude to the public fund "Roza Otunbayeva Initiative" for implementing this project”.
Also, Melisbek's kyzy Aisuluu emphasized that such events increase harmony and respect in the family, and said that participation in the project gave a lot of useful information and turned her life in a better direction.
The executive director of the fund, Roza Kayykova, expressed her gratitude to the poets and residents of Ivanovka village who came to the event. She also mentioned that the "Living with Dignity" project is one of the important projects in the prevention of gender-based violence among residents of Ivanovka village. The most important thing is that through this project, the thoughts, views, and attitudes of each member of the family are directed towards a positive change. It can be seen from the views of the participants and their active participation that the project is achieving its goal, she said.
"Roza Otunbaeva Initiative" international public fund (IPF) in cooperation with the international organization "International Alert" is implementing the "Living with Dignity" project in Ivanovka village of Issyk-Ata district of Chui region, which is financed by the Government of the United Kingdom The project aims to overcome gender stereotypes, reduce gender-based violence at the family level through behavioral change, and expansion of family economic opportunities.
Disclaimer: This project has been funded by UK
International Development from the UK government; however, the views expressed
do not necessarily reflect the UK government’s official policies.