Situational Analysis of Girls in Science Project in Nookat District of Osh Region Completed

September 20, 2023, 06:44

The International Public Foundation Roza Otunbaeva Initiative has successfully conducted a situational analysis in schools within the Osh region.

As part of the UNICEF project Girls in Science, the International Public Foundation Roza Otunbaeva Initiative conducted a situational analysis in pilot schools located in the Nookat district of Osh region.


Jenish Urumov, an expert from the Foundation, familiarized himself with the development plans of the following schools:


·       Abu Rayhan Beruni Secondary School

·       Chapaev Secondary School

·       M. Mamytov Secondary School

·       Abduvoitov Secondary School

·       K. Zhunusov Secondary School

·       Abdullaev Secondary School

·       K. Karimov Secondary School

·        Kenesh  Secondary School

·       G. Gulyam Secondary School


The UNICEF project Girls in Science  is a collaborative effort involving the Roza Otunbaeva Initiative Foundation, Child Protection Center, AUCA Innovation College, and Enactas Kyrgyzstan.