Consultation meeting with the residents of Osh oblast.
October 16, 2022 at 19:33
From 17 October to 20 October 2022, a consultation meeting of experts, decision-makers, and more than 300 local residents, will come gather to discuss climate change adaptation, disaster risk management, and food security. These consultations will be held in four rural districts of Osh region: Gulistan, Chekabad, Kulatov, and Aliya Anarov.
The Roza Otunbaeva Initiative International Public Foundation, in partnership with UN Women and the World Food Programme, is working on development and promotion of gender-transformative practices in climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction and food security.
The purpose of these
meetings is to explore local perspectives on issues such as:
The impact of climate
change over the last five years on the livelihoods of residents (men and women)
in the pilot rural districts;
the roles of men and
women in adaptation to climate change and emergency management, and in family
food security;
· differences in the behaviour of women and men in relation to climate change and emergency management and family food security.
It should be noted
that the activities will contribute to developing and promoting gender-transformative
practices, strengthening the role of women, girls and youth, in
developing climate-resilient, coherent, gender-sensitive local disaster risk
reduction and climate change adaptation plans through innovative approaches
such as "speed dating" and design thinking.