4th International Conference "The Female Face of Migration: Labour Migration without Risks"

October 6, 2021 at 08:26

October 1, 2021, Regional Public Organization “Centre for Promotion of Russian-Kyrgyz Relations, "Mekenim Ala-Too” with the support of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation  held the 4th  International Conference "The Female Face of Migration: Labour Migration without Risks"


During the conference, participants exchanged views on a wide range of policy issues promoting the security and rights of women during the migration process. The Forum was moderated by Gulnara Derbisheva, Director of the Insan-Leylek Public Foundation, which helps to protect and promote the rights of children, rural youth, women and the elderly.

The conference included a presentation by Chynara Abdyraimakunova, coordinator of the Rosa Otunbayeva Initiative IPF project, who made a presentation and talked about the activities of the IPF, including publishing activities and presented the books published. In addition, she presented commemorative gifts on behalf of Roza Otunbayeva.