Ex-President of the Kyrgyz Republic R. Otunbayeva Visited Brussels

June 11, 2016, 06:00

Ex-President of the Kyrgyz Republic R. Otunbayeva took part in a meeting of a network of scientists and experts on the implementation of the UN Goals for Sustainable Development. The meeting took place in Brussels on March 30th and March 31st, 2016.


The Network (SDSN), under the leadership of the director of the Earth Institute at Columbia University Jeffrey Sachs, was a leader in the development of Global Strategy 2030, which was approved by heads of states and governments at the 2015 UN General Assembly. The Network also made a significant contribution to the development of documents concerning climate change, “Paris 2015.” An active effort is currently underway among UN member nations to develop national strategies to meet the goals set out by the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. In universities all over the world classes are being offered on sustainable development. In Africa, Malaysia, and Singapore, special scientific-educational Centers for Sustainable Development are being created to help governments in the development and realization of policies and programs for sustainable development, business, services, and job creation. The Network is currently developing indices and indicators, which will be used to rate every country’s progress in accomplishing the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The first discussion will take place in 2016.

R. Otunbayeva also conducted a number of meetings with representatives from the European Commission and President of the International Crisis Group, J-M Guehenno.