«Know more about China!» master-class series for children on Chinese fine arts and crafts being held in the capital

January 18, 2016, 06:00

Master-class series for children on Chinese fine arts and crafts


“Know more about China!”


Dedicated to the Chinese New Year “Chuntszie”


“Bishkek Park” Mall, January 19, 23, 30, 2016


We invite all teenage citizens and their parents to the interesting master-class on Chinese fine arts and crafts. 


During the January 19 (Saturday) master-class, children will learn how to cut beautiful shapes out of thin paper, master the art of Chinese calligraphy, learn about the history and importance of Chinese opera masks, and be able to make their own mask.


The ancient art of Tai Chi and the masterful movement of Wushu, Chinese massage and eye gymnastics courses—guests can expect all this at the January 23 (Saturday) Saturday master-class.


On January 30, Bishkek-Park guests can buy books, dictionaries, photos, and other items for themselves and others at the charity fair. All proceeds from the charity fair will be given to charity.


Free master-classes. Free Admission. Friends, we are waiting for you!


Organizers: The “Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva” Foundation and the BMU Confucius Institute. We express our gratitude towards “Bishkek Park” for providing the space for the event.


For information call 660-384 or visit www.roza.kg