"To stop reading books is to stop thinking"

September 30, 2021, 22:31

"To stop reading books is to stop thinking," said the great writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. Unfortunately, with the introduction of new technology, many people have stopped being interested in reading books. And it's not just a superficial reading, which we are all used to, but it's about immersing yourself in literature, understanding its meaning and essence.


Reading is a good habit to develop from childhood. Through reading, the child develops critical thinking, imagination, and broadens his or her horizons. By reading, a child reaches deep into the essence and understanding of literature; early childhood reading can build foundational skills for making contributions to the greater good of an educated society, and a bright future for our country


To this end, the Rosa Otunbayeva Initiative International Public Foundation conducts publishing activities to promote literature among parents and their children. In this post we tell you about interesting books in the “Literature for Children” series.


All these books are available in Kyrgyz and Russian languages only in bookshops in Bishkek and in our office at 106, Chui Avenue (crossing Tynystanov street).