Eco-action «My Green Friend» at the kindergarten #71
February 3, 2017 at 06:00How to teach kids to love nature? Try to plant houseplants together with them. So that was done today (at February 3, 2017) at the pre-school educational organization (PEO) # 71, located at the 5 mkr. of Bishkek city. Eco-Team of the International Public Foundation "Roza Otunbayeva Initiative" in cooperation with the Education Department of Bishkek City Hall held the first eco-action "My Green Friend" aimed at the formation of ecological consciousness and ecological culture of pre-school age children. The organizers of the ecological action prepared and presented to the kids a colorful presentation on houseplant "Geranium" and its beneficial properties, explained how to plant it. Geranium has not been chosen by chance - it is known in medicine for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties since ancient times. This event was really liked by more than 40 kids - eco-action participants, as they are now able to plant houseplants and take care for them. This action took place in the framework of the workshop for trainers of Bishkek PEOs. 56 trainers received useful handouts from eco-project "Think Globally, Act Locally", including "The Rules of Young Bishkek Citizen" posters and learned a lot on the organization of eco-events for kids during the presentation made the eco-team of IPF.