«Art Square»: the Master Class and the Quest Game «The Da Vinci Code»
January 10, 2017 at 06:00The fourth final day of the “Arts Square” program was held at the Gallery of Oak Park. More than 40 children who came to the workshop and the quest game could learn important facts about the life and creative work of Leonardo da Vinci. They learnt about the inventions belonging to the great Italian painter, the “golden section”, the drawing a human face following the maestro chart, translation of “Madonna” from Italian language, important details captured in the “Mona Lisa” painting, techniques used by the artist, “sangina” material’s composition and the secrets of its production in the Middle Ages, and many other things. All the master classes and a tour were held by the “Roza Otunbayeva Initiative” Foundation within the framework of the “Arts Square” program for children, with support of the Swiss Embassy in Kyrgyzstan. We express our appreciation to Cholpon Tentieva, art critic, who has designed the content of master classes, Nurlan Asanbekov, chief production director of the Russian Drama Theater named after Chyngyz Aitmatov, Nicholay Zhestovskiy for a master class on props, Olga Dunganova for “The Da Vinci Code” master class and Danakan Adashkanova for a master class on painting in the studio. Please, follow the news of the “Art Square” program on our website.