«Open Source Educational Resources are relevant and timely because they create access to high-quality materials», says director of Soros-Kyrgyzstan Shamil Ibragimov

April 29, 2014, 06:00

At the April 29 Bishkek roundtable, "Situation Analysis of the Prospects for the Implementation of Open Educational Resources in Kyrgyzstan," Mr Ibragimov said that many new materials have become popular in the last 10 years of active development of the Internet.

"There is a question about the proper legal basis for the development of Open Educational Resources," he noted.

According to him, the Soros Foundation has supported a number of key projects. For example, "Kyrgyz Wikipedia,” which is a very popular and open source project. "Today the situation analysis on the prospects of implementation show opportunities and weaknesses, flaws in the legislation that hinder the introduction of the very principle of open educational resources . We can grind and get the highest possible level. Soros Foundation is interested in continuing this work for at least 2-3 years, " said the executive director.