News About Us: The Second Festival of Education in Bishkek

April 28, 2014, 06:00

April 26-27, Bishkek - the Second Festival of Education. The main organizers were the public fund "Roza Otunbayeva Initiative" and the Kyrgyz State Technical University.


According to the organizing committee, the event was aimed at reviving interest in technical professions, as well as the development of scientific and technical creativity of children and dissemination of traditional ecological knowledge. The festival had fun activities, educational outreach fairs, professional forums, workshops, trainings, meetings and excursions.


The first day of the Festival took place at the Kyrgyz State Technical University and was directed towards science pupils of 11th grade. In the intellectual battle involved three teams: School number 85 (Sverdlovsk region), School Number 78 (Pervomajskij district) and School Number 93 (Leninsky district). The quiz took place in three rounds: "Physics in Life,” "Chemistry and Biology in Life," and "Ecology and Us."


Also on the first day, were the presentations of projects from the international contest "We are the Intellectuals of the 21st Century"; Science and Technology Olympiad conducted by the Republican Children's engineering academy "Altyn Tuyun"; presentation of innovative projects in education and playground called "Success Story."


The second day took place around the Old Square, the gallery "Oak Park, " the State Historical Museum, the "Seytek" National Center for Children and Youth and at AUCA .


There were four fairs at the Old Square: The Educational Services Fair, "City of Masters," "Unclassified," and the "Flower Fair."


In addition, there was a competition called the "Dad, Mom and I: A Tech-Savvy Family." Beyond that there were workshops on aircraft modeling, handicrafts, show bubbles, as well as a chemical show.


The State Historical Museum was filled with exhibitions including film screenings, performances, concerts and master classes on traditional ecological knowledge, all organized by foundations and centers involved in reviving, developing and promoting traditional knowledge in the fields of nature and culture. The Christensen Fund supported a majority of the events.


According to organizers, various flash mob dance battles, fun concerts and theatrical performances, circus characters, sports and intellectual games accompanied the festival.


Among Festival co-organizers were the Bishkek city administration, the Ministry of Education and Science, the Agency of Vocational Education under the Ministry of Labor, Youth and Migration of the Kyrgyz Republic, UNICEF and the National Commission for UNESCO of the Kyrgyz Republic.


It is noted that the first Festival of Education was held on May 18-19, 2013. Organized hope the event will become a cherished tradition of Bishkek.