Festival of Education: Videos from the Second Day

April 27, 2014, 06:00

The Roza Otunbayeva Initiative IPF held the Second Festival of Education, dedicated to science and technology, in Bishkek on April 26 and 27.

The Festival's second day took place around Old Square in central Bishkek.

Kloop.kg journalists spent all day taking and publishing videos in real time.

Video 1: The “Dad, Mom and I: A Tech-Savvy Family” Competition. Nine families built used provided materials to build models of the homes of the future. Winners received prizes and will have their works exhibited:

Video 2: “Guards” Club. Festival goers engaged in historical reenactments including fencing. Club head Nikolai Potyasov talked not only about medieval weapons and uniforms, but even demonstrated some sword tricks:

Video 3: Republican Center for Environment, Local History and Tourism, created obstacle courses for children that mimic obstacles that you might encounter in nature:

The most difficult obstacle course:

Video 4: Tug of War: