The Madrid Club annual meeting was held in Australia. Ex-president of the Kyrgyz Republic, Roza Otunbayeva, attended.

December 13, 2013, 06:00

Ex-president of the Kyrgyz Republic Roza Otunbayev attended the annual meeting of the Madrid Club in Brisbane, Australia, on December 7-8. During the two-day conference on the theme, “Jobs for joint development, a call to G20 countries” experts from all over the world discussed policies, practices regarding one of the most pressing issues of our time – unemployment.

Young people the world over work, on average, for three times less than adults hired for the same jobs, mostly in the informal sector. Vocational education does not prepare young people for the global economy. Roza Otunbayeva emphasized early education as essential to making young people the knowledge workers of the future. She also made proposals regarding the improvement of mentoring and apprenticeships to better connect professional training centers with the private sector, the need to supplement the general education and vocational training programs at professional training schools and migration as one of the solutions labor surplus.

Conclusions and proposals from the conference will be presented by the Madrid Club to the Australian government as it begins its chairmanship of the G20.