The «Roza Otunbayeva Initiative» International Public Foundation organizes the reading week referred to as «Reading Aitmatov»

December 3, 2013, 06:00

The ‘Roza Otunbayeva Initiative’ International Public Foundation together with the Intergovernmental Foundation for Humanitarian Cooperation organizes “Reading Aitmatov” Week on 2-8 December 2013.

The project task: to focus students of all ages in all regions of Kyrgyzstan on the books of the great writer, touch the Word of Chingiz Aitmatov, feel its depth, enrich the own world of feelings, experiences and ideas through reading his books.

Within the framework of the Week, the readings will take place at schools and colleges of the Republic, children and youth libraries, museums, rural clubs, children's units in hospitals. Our partners as teachers, and school principals, professors of literature, artists, writers , journalists, theaters, doctors, honorable authoritative persons of the towns, villages, districts and regions of the country will be involved to the organization process of the Reading Week of Aitmatov compositions .