National TV and Radio Company presenter Kiyal Sharsheeva took part in the "Stars Read to Children" event

May 10, 2024, 08:53

On May 8, 2024, the "Stars Read to Children" event organized by the Roza Otunbaeva Initiative Foundation was held at school No. 79, Archa Beshik residential district. Kiyal Sharsheeva, an presenter and journalist of NTRC, was the guest of the event.

As part of the event, Kiyal Sharsheeva read an excerpt from the book "Baldarga bazarlyk" (Fairings for children) by Alym Toktomushev, published by the Foundation, to the 7th grade schoolchildren.

They asked Kiyal Sharsheeva questions and received information about her professional work. Kiyal Sharsheeva spoke about the responsibility and interesting moments of working at NTRC, emphasized the importance of constant pursuit of education for success and urged to learn a foreign language early.

Those schoolchildren who asked interesting questions and took an active part were presented with books from Kiyal Sharsheeva and the Roza Otunbaeva Initiative Foundation.

The mission of the event "Stars Read to Children" is to spread the culture of reading to children. The foundation Roza Otunbaeva Initiative expressed gratitude to Kiyal Sharsheeva for participation in the event and encourages everyone to support educational initiatives.