The study, "Gender Equality in the System of Education of Future STEM Personnel in the Kyrgyz Republic", is currently being conducted

February 9, 2023 at 09:09

From November 2022 to February 2023, the International Public Foundation "Roza Otunbaeva Initiative" is implementing a short-term project aimed at conducting qualitative and quantitative research on the state of gender equality in STEM; performing an analysis and developing recommendations; and informing stakeholders of the research results.

The project experts are evaluating the gender sensitivity of higher education institutions' communication activities to attract candidates in technical specialties (STEM) in the Kyrgyz Republic.

The project experts are:

Mamytov Abakir - PhD in Pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Educator of the Kyrgyz Republic, Academician of KAE.

Usupkojoeva Anipa - Director of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute, PhD, professor.

Kendirbaeva Dogdurkiul - Executive Director of "Roza Otunbaeva Initiative " IPF, expert on early childhood development, gender expert.