Winners of the competition on COVID-19 prevention in schools awarded
October 27, 2021 at 09:36
The award
ceremony for the winners of the information week competition among pilot
schools within the project "Prevention of COVID-19 and increasing general
level of health and hygiene culture among schoolchildren in Kyrgyzstan"
took place on 26 October 2021. The event was attended by Roza Kaiykova, Deputy
Director of the Roza Otunbayeva Initiative IPF, Gulshan Abdyldayeva, Chief
Specialist of School and Extracurricular Education Department of the Ministry
of Education, Nurzat Jeembayeva, Programme Specialist of the Roza Otunbayeva
Initiative IPF, directors and representatives of pilot schools of the project.
More than 30
contest materials (7 school scenarios, 15 class hours, 19 video clips of
students) were submitted for the competition. The jury, which consisted of
representatives of the National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO,
as well as the National Centre for Health Promotion of the Kyrgyz Republic and
the Roza Otunbayeva Initiative, selected the best materials among the contest
"The best
scenario for COVID prevention information week":
1st place -
Secondary School № 48 (Osh city)
2nd place -
Educational and Training Complex (ETC) named after G. Gmeiner
3rd place -
Secondary Boarding School №71
best script of the class hour on prevention of COVID" in Kyrgyz language:
1st place -
Alymbekova Nazira (ETC named after G.Gmeiner)
2nd place -
Kholida Khudayberdiyeva (Secondary School №48)
3rd place -
Saida Makhmudova (Secondary School №.77)
"The best
script of the class hour on prevention of COVID" in Russian language:
1st place -
Djilgeldieva A.D. (Secondary School №71)
2nd place -
Subocheva Lyudmila (Educational Complex "Ilim Osh")
3rd place -
Tulparbekova A.T. (Secondary School №89)
3rd place -
Imash kyzy Mairam (Secondary School №48)
"The best
video on prevention of COVID":
1. Abdilakimov Said (Educational Complex "Ilim Osh")
2. ZaripovZaparsadyk (ETC named after
3. Alizhanov-Khamza
(Secondary School № 48)
4. 9 - grade "A" (Secondary School № 48)
5. 1 - grade "V" (Secondary School № 15)
6. 6 - grade "A" Asan, Uson, Esen (Secondary School № 48)
Winners among
schools of "Best Scenario of the Information Week" received valuable
prizes: an interactive board, TV, printer, mini projector, and a digital corner
for the classroom.
Winners among
teachers and students of "Best Classroom Script" received a laptop, a
tablet and a phone.
For the best
work on "COVID 19 prevention video" winner schoolchildren were given
smart watches.
As part of the
project, each school also received first aid kits with a year's supply of
medications. The e-learning platform will soon be officially launched. All used
materials, methods and competition works will be published on the e-learning
platform, with translation into the Kyrgyz language, for more teachers to have
access to the developments of the project.
The project
"Prevention of COVID-19 and improvement of the general level of hygiene
and sanitary culture among schoolchildren in Kyrgyzstan" is implemented by
the International Public Foundation "Rosa Otunbaeva Initiative", with
the support of UNESCO Participation Program (France, Paris) in partnership with
the National Commission of the Kyrgyz Republic for UNESCO and the Ministry of
Education and Science of the Kyrgyz Republic.