The holidays for schoolchildren and teachers affected by the conflict on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border have come to an end
June 7, 2021 at 22:25
The Rosa Otunbayeva Initiative International Public Foundation and Camp
Jetigen, with the support of UN Women and the Yadran group of companies,
organized a 10-day recreational holiday for schoolchildren and teachers who
suffered during the armed conflict on the Kyrgyz-Tajik border on 28-30 April
Recreational and rehabilitation activities at Issyk Kul lakewere organized for
70 schoolchildren between the ages of 9 and 17 and 20 teachers.
The program for children included an art studio, master classes in
sculpture, vocal, dance, filmmaking, and computer literacy. Experienced
teachers from Cholpon-Ata were involved in working with children in the camp.
DuyshonIskakov, a member of the Union of Artists, gave a master class on
painting; Mirlan Osmonaliev, a winner of the ChingizAitmatov Youth Award, gave
a sculpture class; and MairamB uilashova, a teacher from the Children's Music
School in Cholpon-Ata, gave vocal lessons. Also, ballet dancer Aktan Asylbashev
gave a master class on dance for children, Mirbek Asamudinov, a teacher at
Cholpon-Ata Vocational School #85 gave a cooking master class, and Nurkyz Tungatarova,
a member of the Filmmaker Union, gave a master class on film production.
At the end of the ten-day master class, participants were able to make a
short film about friendship. "The children were very friendly and caring
toward each other. They proved that even at school age, they appreciate the
value of peace and friendship. I suggested several themes, however they just
wanted to make a film about friendship between neighbors. As a result, the
children were able to write their own script, become actors and directors, and
make a short film" said NurkyzTungatarova.
Children and teachers also visited local attractions: petroglyph sites, museums
and the “Rukh Ordo” cultural center named after Chingiz Aitmatov.
Melisbek Kalbaev from Kok-Tash noted that every day of his stay was full of
interesting events. "I learned a lot during these days. We participated in
concertsand went on different excursions. I really liked “Rukh-Ordo” - it's a
beautiful place. I chose debate from the master classes. Teacher Arzybek taught
me public speaking skills. It was very interesting here, so I didn't notice how
quickly the 10 days passed," said MelisbekKalbaev.
Lectures on environmental education, Kovid-19 and first aid were organized
for schoolchildren and teachers.
RozaIsakovna Otunbayeva, former President of the Kyrgyz Republic, visited
the camp on the occasion of International Children's Day and inquired about the
health of children and teachers. Roza Isakovna noted the need for
inter-regional children's camps. "In Kyrgyzstan it is not customary to
introduce children and adults to each other between regions. Such measures are
not systematically provided for in education. Such special programmes are
implemented in many countries. We need to travel to each other, so there won't
be such a problem as north-south," said RozaIsakovna. Roza Otunbayeva read
to the children the book "The Secret of Friendship. The books "Let's
Study Our Kyrgyzstan" and "The Secret of Friendship," published
by the “Rosa Otunbayeva Initiative” Foundation, were presented to each
schoolchild and teacher.
Lamira Ruslanova, psychologist and psychiatrist, conducted psychological
tests and clay work for schoolchildren to help them overcome their aggression
and fear. She also conducted a course for teachers on primary psychological
help in emergency situations. Course participants learned meditation techniques
and breathing practice.
Suyunova Shakhnoza, a teacher from Jashtyk-Leilek village, said that the
break helped her regain her strength. "Since the day we came to Issyk-Kul,
our hearts have cleansed and our vision has expanded. Yesterday, gazing into
the lake for an hour, I was able to change my inner world. The psychology
lessons were very useful, we learned about the work of Issyk-Kul schools and
were stimulated to continue our work. We are proud that we have such good
people who organized such a celebration, and we have our people and country"
said Shakhnoza Suyunova.
Excursions to the leading educational institutions of the Issyk-Kul region
were organized to improve the qualifications of teachers and to share
experiences with teachers. The teachers visited the school-gymnasium named
after A. Mamytov in Bosteri village, the kindergarten "Berezka" in
Bactu Dolonotu village, the school-lyceum named after I. Abdrazakov, the
school-gymnasium named after A. Osmonov, the secondary school named after O. Jumayev
in Cholpon-Ata city and learned about their experiences. Also, the principals of Ornok School, Tamchy Gymnasium
School and KasymTynystanov Secondary School met with teachers and shared their