Talas State University’s STEM diary: The first couple of days, our school’s female students were hesitant, but by the third day, they felt right at home.

January 16, 2016 at 06:00

The natural-technical course (STEM) winter school was opened for the first time at the Talas State University campus with the support of The “Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva” IPF through the “Women in Technology and Science” project.


On January 11, 2016, the winter school was opened at Talas State University. On the school’s opening day, chancellor A. S. Upenov gave a congratulatory speech and spoke about the main duties and goals of the school. In his own words, he spoke about the low performances on the ORT, and especially the lack in the villages in following years, and how the budget is having a difficult time filling places for needed specialists in science. Therefore, courses are required under this program for the preparation of hard sciences in programs outside of the schools.


All courses will be fit into the schedule of the already existing calendar plan. Every teacher of every lesson gave tests in each of the subjects at the beginning of the term.


A brief word about the third day of winter school at Talas State University.


The first couple of days, our school’s female students were hesitant, but by the third day, they felt right at home.


The tasks in the mathematic courses were mostly focused on logic. The teacher showed the role of mathematics in everyday life, and made a determined effort to provide examples that explained the topics clearly.


There was a lively discussion among the 11th graders in the biology lesson. Individual students made proofs in their own words, and talked with the teacher. The head teacher, Jazgul, listened to the students’ versions, and added additional points where the girls left gaps.


It made us glad to see such relationships in the students’ classrooms, since it showed the interest they had in the natural sciences.


Assistant professor of chemistry, K. A. Jusupova, taught by making use of personal methods for each student. Her main objective was to interest the female students and to show the role and place of chemistry in every day life.


Physics, history, mathematics, English, and information technology classes were also interesting.


In the afternoon, the girls played tennis.