Art show held in Talas City, dedicated to painter T. Gertsen’s 80th anniversary

November 21, 2015, 06:00

An art show dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Kyrgyzstani painter Theodor Gertsen was held at the A. Ogombaev Children’s Music School in Talas City, reported Turmush news.


As reported, local residents and Germans living in the Oblast attended the show.


The show was held with the support of The “Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva” International Public Foundation, the German embassy in Kyrgyzstan and an authorized representative.


According to sources, T. Gertsen completed his art studies in Bishkek in 1959. In 1966 he completed studies at the painting-workshop in Moscow where he specialized in painting murals. He painted the “Krasnaya Zary” (Red Dawn), collective farmers and milkers, and veterans of World War II. He painted the pictures for Sagymbai Orozbakov’s version of the Manas epic poem.