Events held in Bishkek on IT skills for school and Kyrgyz Education Academy teachers
November 18, 2015 at 06:00
An initiative of the “Roza Otunbayeva Initiative” EKF and “For Open Education” coalition conducted events on November 4th and 11th in Bishkek for teachers of schools and the Kyrgyz Education Academy (KEA).
The November 4th seminar was held at the K. Karasaev BMU institute of continuing and distance education.
Established PowerPoint slides were shown to participants on Russian, Kyrgyz and English languages, geography, history, and national culture.
The materials that were shown created a strong interest among the seminar’s participants. School teachers have just recently been able to employ information technology in the classroom, and this gives the opportunity for teachers to improve the quality of their education. As the training’s participants discovered through the “For Open Education” Coalition’s website (Note—soon examples of lessons from different subjects will be available for use by school teachers at the site the wide variety of available open education resources is very useful. School representatives stated their intention to join the Coalition.
The November 11th seminar was held in the Bishkek Finance-Economic Academy campus. The participants were also school and KEA representatives.
The trainer was Bakdoolot Duishenbek uulu, a member of the “For Open Education” Coalition and Megacom Company engineer. He introduced the participants to effective methods of using Google’s search engine to locate information and spoke about Google’s cloud technologies.
The training’s theme created great interest among the participants. Teachers can benefit from the extremely effective search and cloud technologies for both classroom lessons with Google’s search engine and in their own independent study.