Sixth-annual implementation in Kyrgyzstan of the large-scale project JashtarCamp (Youth Camp)

November 19, 2015 at 06:00

An informal conference was held for the JashtarCamp (Youth Camp) November 14-15, 2015 in eight cities: Bishkek, Jalal-Abad, Batken, Balykchy (Day 1), and Osh, Talas, Karakol, Naryn (Day 2). In all, around 10,000 youth attended the conferences.


Under the aegis of the previous JashtarCamp, Kyrgyzstan’s young generation held a pleasant and creative dialogue at this year’s 2015, 6th meeting with the goal of exchanging experiences and skills through informal communication in order to develop intellect and culture.


Ex-President Roza Otunbayeva was the conference’s National speaker. She spoke and answered the questions of several dozen university students at Bishkek National University and Osh OshM University, as well as going out to further surrounding region schools to speak with high school students there. They spoke at length about current global events and their dangerous scope, universal goals of stable development, how youth can remain dedicated citizens through adverse circumstances, leadership and civic duty, and how youth can change for the better their local community, city, and country.


The speakers at the event were young businessmen Chyngyz Makeshev, Azamat Attokurov, parliamentarian Janar Akaev, lawyer Joomart Joldoshev, journalist Marina Kim and Jibek Betalieva, Kyrgyz language STK founder Ermek Nurbaev, and the heads of IDEA and Enactus. They spoke about their own private work, social projects and management work, and shared their secrets on growing a career, public rhetoric, and implementing their work.


The JashtarCamp 2015 Conference was conducted with the support of many partners including “Soros-Kyrgyzstan” Foundation Youth Program, German International Cooperation (GIZ), FETA, UNFPA, local official agencies, local businesses (TM “Beeline,” Internet-Provider “Megaline,” and others) and several local non-profit organizations.