KLOOP Radio starts up the morning show «Open Education»
November 7, 2015, 06:00
Dear Friends!
We are pleased to announce here at KLOOP radio the start of the morning show “Open Education.” The purpose of this show is dedicated to the issues of open education on a global stage, moving from the past to the present.
Join us Monday through Friday at 9:20 (GMT +6) by clicking on the links below: http://kloop.kg/online-radio/ http://namba.kg/#!/radio/372/ . Do you have something to share? Write to the following address gulzada.urgunalieva@gmail.com and we will certainly take a look.
Let’s remember, The “Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva” Foundation began supporting the efforts of open education in Kyrgyzstan in 2013 and ever since has been providing open access to education through various initiatives.