November 2015 Foundation's Event Digest

November 1, 2015 at 06:00



The «Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva» International Public Foundation


November 2015




November 4th – Informal «Citizen Club» «Action» discussion club

Time: November 4th, 18:30 – 20:30

Place: Sierra Cafe, Tash Rabat

Free Admission

Telephone: 0703-41-60-49, 0555-81-22-51



November 4th, 7th, and 11th – MKT trainings for Bishkek school administrators

Date and Time: November 4th, 2015 (intermediate level) 14:00-17:00

Place: Bishkek, K. Karasaev St. #10, K. Karasaev BGU Continuing and Distance Education Institute.

Tel.: (+996-312)-53-02-96

Date and Time: November 7th, 2015 (beginner level) 10:00-13:00

Place: BFEA, Bishkek, Jash Gvardiya Blvd., 55

Date and Time: November 11th, 2015 (advanced level) 14:00-17:00

Place: BFEA, Bishkek, Jash Gvardiya Blvd., 55

Objective: Mastering MKT-techniques for use in the educational process

Free admission for those registering in advance

Telephone: 0312-66-03-82, 0550-32-88-68

November 6th – «United Global Program on Initializing Migration Assembly for Development Strategy» national project advisement meeting

Date and Time: November 6th, 17:30

Place: Kyrgyz Republic Office of the President

By invitation only

Telephone: 0703-41-60-49, 0555-81-22-51

November 4th, 11th, 12th, 13th – «Mobilization of local communities for advancing national policy on the school lunch program in the Kyrgyz Republic» trainings under the project «Advancing national policy on the school lunch program in the Kyrgyz Republic»

When: November 4th, 11th, 12th, 13th

Where: Jalal-Abad and Naryn Oblasts

By invitation only.

Telephone: 66-03-84, 0772-32-88-07, 0773-97-08-08

November 5th – «Stars read books to children» event

When: November 5th, 11:00

Where: C. Aitmatov Library

Oral readings of books to children in the Russian language.

Free admission.

Telephone: 0550-77-66-27

November 6th – «Stars read books to children» event with journalist and TV host Saltanat Samatova

When: November 6th, 11:00

Where: Children's Hospital in Jal

Oral readings of books to children in Kyrgyz and Russian languages.

Telephone: 0550-77-66-27

November 7th – “Stars read books to children” event with singer Guljigit Kalykov

When: November 7th, 11:00

Where: “Raritet” Book store, Chui prospect, 271

Free admission

Telephone: 0550-77-66-27

November 18th – Informal discussion club «Action» under «Citizen-Club»

Time: 18:30 – 20:30

Place: Sierra Cafe, Tash-Rabat

Free admission

Telephone: 0703-41-60-49, 0555-81-22-51

November 19th-20th – Training under the Eco-project on various bio-plants and national games

When: November 19th-20th

Where: Naryn City

Training dedicated to kindergarten educators, directors, and teachers. Highly useful ecological master-classes for children’s futures. Ecological games will be presented. Information given on the importance of conducting events for neighborhood safety among local parents and children. Second half of training on traditional national games and teaching traditional games to children.

Free admission with advance registration.

Telephone: 660-368

November 20th – “Music – the soul of the people” project’s concert series comes to Tokmok

Time and Place: TBD

Free admission

Telephone: 660-382, 0772-800-376

November 20th – «For Open Education» Coalition gathering

Time and Place: TBD

Meeting agenda:

1. Presention of the results of the three groups

2. Discussion on the Coalition's strategy for 2016

Free admission.

Telephone: 0312-66-03-82, 0550-32-88-68

November 21st – “Stars read books to children” event with singer, actress and TV host Cholponai

When: November 21st, 11:00

Where: “Raritet” book store, Chui prospect, 271

Free admission.

Telephone: 0550-77-66-27

November 21st – «Music – the soul of the people» project concert series comes to Kara-Balta

Time and Place: TBD

Free admission

Telephone: 660-382, 0772-800-376

November 24th – «Music – the soul of the people»: Tajik musical culture

When: November 24th, 14:00

Where: Kyrgyz National Conservatory, Jantoshev St. 115

We invite all those who are here this November to the Tajik musical culture concert. The concert is being conducted through the «Music – the sould of the people» project supported by UNDP and UNESCO.

Free admission.

Telephone: 660-382, 0772-800-376

November 28th – “Stars read books to children” event with well-known designer Aiperi Obozova

When: November 28th, 11:00

Where: “Raritet” book store, Chui prospect, 271

Free admission

Telephone: 0550-77-66-27

Knowledge Caravan: Natural sciences mobile workshop for Bishkek city students

Date and Time: TBD

Eco-meetings on the following themes: «Bishkek City's unseen residents» - Yrystan» Public Foundation, «Ecology Bishkek City» - «Taalim-Forum» Public Foundation

Participants – 7th and 8th grade students at schools located inside of Bishkek

Telephone: 660-368, 0550-32-88-99,

Ecology lecture for teachers of Bishkek city schools

Date and Time: TBD

Place: Bishkek

Eco-meetings on the following themes: «Harmful fire starters» - «Yrystan» Public Foundation, «Heating energy conservation» - «Unison» Public Foundation

Participants – Bishkek school teachers of chemistry, mathematics, biology and directors

Telephone: 660-368, 0550-32-88-99,

«My Green Friend» event

This event is planned with the presentation of a master class and working with students to plant indoor and other plants. Through this event, each student will leave with their own «Green Friend» to take care of. The goals of this event are to open the creative and intellectual potential of students, to provide an opportunity to practice growing flowers/plants, and to increase a sense of responsibility for their surroundings.

Participants – Students of Bishkek city specialty schools

Telephone: 660-368, 0550-32-88-99,


«TazaBISH» (Clean Bishkek) Eco-event

Date and Time: TBD 

Event objective - Improving the level of ecological culture and civil responsibility in children and youth and Bishkek city residents through changing attitudes from that of an outside observer to that of an active participant in ecological events and actions.

All who wish to attend are invited. Organizers of the event will provide all necessary equipment (gloves, sacks for gathering trash).

Telephone: 660-368, 0550-32-88-99