Presentation held September 30th on My Father Deng Xiaoping, a book in the culture series

October 11, 2015, 06:00

On Septebmer 30th at the Hyatt Hotel a presentation was held for My Father Deng Xiaoping's Cultural Revolution Years, a book translated into the Kyrgyz language. The book was written by Deng Xiaoping's youngest daughter Deng Rong under the pseudonym Maomao. The translation was completed from the Russian language to Kyrgyz language by a team comprised of the well-known linguists and academicians Abibilla Pazilov, Tynchtykbek Chorotegin and Esenbai Nurushev.


Music was dedicated at the beginning of Chinese National Day. Bishkek Humanitarian University Confusius Institute volunteer Wang Juan performed the musical piece «The Great Wall of China» on a national instrument, which he dedicated to Deng Xiaoping. After, one of Kulja City's residents and current student of K. Molodovasanov Kyrgyz National Conservatory Uson Joloman performed two songs after Kyrgyz Republic's featured artist Aikanysh Tekenova. He sang the song «Me and My Nation» in Chinese, and «Kyrgyz Land» in Kyrgyz. 


At the presentation Kyrgyz Republic's ex-president Roza Otunbayeva gave the welcoming speech. Her initiative produced the translation of the book. She said that Deng Xiaoping played the biggest role in restoring China as a global power. China's economy is the second largest in the world, and is an important factor in the world of politics. As for Kyrgyzstan, we have 1000 km of shared border, and today China is a strategic partner. We are implementing with our neighbor a great number of projects according to SKU from this foundational partnership along the economic silk road. Deng Xiaoping is considered to be China’s architect. He is the author of China’s Development Program through 2049 (100 year PRC). Today’s China is a realization of his work. However, currently we have almost no information about China in the Kyrgyz language. Therefore, publishing a book about Deng Xiaoping is relevant. In the publication we also wrote about the book’s author, Deng Rong. The sponsor of the printing is the Chinese company “Yema.” We are thankful for them and the translators. We also recognize their work in distributing the books to dozens of national and oblast university libraries.


«With the printing of this book,» said R. Otunbayeva, «begins the publication of our series in the Kyrgyz language on the lives of great historical figures, titled «Exemplary Figures»». Currently Mahatma Gandhi's biography is being translated.


The People's Republic of China ambassador Qi Dayuy expressed his gratitude to the Initiative for publishing this book in the Kyrgyz language; and, also in the interest of China's political history, he thanked the Initiative for the naming of a street after Deng Xiaoping. He talked about how the Chinese leader faced complex «political and economical challenges» but through them achieved great success. «The translation of this book helps to preserve and strengthen the strong friendship between China and Kyrgyzstan,» said the Ambassador.


At the presentation speeches were given by the Institute of Public Politics (IPP) president, Kyrgyz Republic premire-minister's public advisor Muratbek Imanaliev, Foreign Affairs vice-minister Askar Beshimov, National Science Institute president academic Abdigany Erkevaev, Commissioner of the Republic's Commission for National Language, Egemberdi Ermatov, Kyrgyzstan's Sociology Association's president, Kyrgyz-Turk «Manas» University's sociology department chair, Kuseni Isaev, Kyrgyz history public president, history scholar, publicist and journalist, Tynchtykbek Chorotegin, KR honored cultural worker and writer, Jusupov Kengesh, and KR public worker Soodanbekov Jumagul. One-hundred fifty people gathered for the presentation including public and national workers, scientist, writers, journalists, business representatives, and JOJ professors.


As stated by the speakers, many works of literature must be translated into the Kyrgyz language. In this era of universal and great changes, both city and village readers need important information. As this presentation confirms, a lot of interest and useful dialogs can be initiated among academicians and representatives of the intelligencia through discussions surrounding this new book. «This book about Deng Xiaoping,» said the speakers, «will be counted as one of the nation's celebrated, cultural stories of the next 20 years.»