Foundation's October 2015 Event Digest
October 6, 2015, 06:00
Event Digest
The «Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva» International Public Foundation
October 2015
October 3rd – “The stars read books to children” event
Time: 10:00-12:00
Place: “Raritet” book store, Chui Prospect, 271
The event includes sensational reading by adults to children, teaching reading and instilling a love of books to pre-school aged kids. The goals of the project are, by reading aloud at events held in public places and children’s institutions, cultural values and traditions will be preserved and the culture of reading will be developed.
Free admission.
For information call: 0550-77-66-27
October 7th – “Araket” Discussion club
Time: 18:00
Place: “Sierra” Cafe at Tash Rabat
“Action” Discussion club to discuss the following themes: “Fellow Citizens” forum and “Developing a place in Kyrgyzstan conducive to the arts.”
Free admission.
For information call: 663-538
October 8th – Meeting on the results of the project “Jailoo kindergartens – centers for child development”
Time: 9:00-14:00
Place: Song-Kol Restaurant
Announcing the results of “Jailoo Kindergartens – 2015”, presentations, speeches from officials, slideshows and videos, and presenting letters of gratitude. Prizes for the contest: 1st place – yurt, 2nd-12th places – a trip to a foreign country. Eighty people invited. Discussing the future of the project.
For information call: 0552-600-738, 0556-54-91-54 e-mail:
October 10th & 24th – “Stars read books to children” event
Time: 11:00
Place: “Raritet” book store, Chui prospect, 271
The event includes sensational reading by adults to children, teaching reading and instilling a love of books to pre-school aged kids. The goals of the project are, by reading aloud at events held in public places and children’s institutions, cultural values and traditions will be preserved and the culture of reading will be developed.
Free admission.
For information call: 0550-77-66-27
October 15th – Press conference for journalists on the «Open Education Resources» project for innovative schools in Bishkek
Additional information available. Informational letter sent to JMK.
For information call: 66-03-82, 0550-32-88-68, 0555-75-70-96
October 17th – «Stars read books to children» event in Issyk-Kul Oblast
Time: 11:00
The event includes sensational reading by adults to children, teaching reading and instilling a love of books to pre-school aged kids. The goals of the project are, by reading aloud at events held in public places and children’s institutions, cultural values and traditions will be preserved and the culture of reading will be developed.
All who wish to attend are invited. Free admission.
For information call: 0550-77-66-27
«Eco-Selfie» contest extended until October 20th
Take a selfie (a photo of yourself) with your work or the outcome of your work in the background and win a smart phone! (Work could be Saturday clean-up, planting seeds, landscaping property, cleaning up the yard or any number of things)
The contest is organized by the eco-project «Think Globally – Act Locally: Improving ecological responsibility among children and youth»
Contest winners will be awarded prizes.
The contest is open to all who wish to participate.
For contest terms and conditions visit
For information call: 66-03-68, 0550-32-88-99
«Eco-Photohunt» contest extended until October 20th
«Ecological Photo-hunt» - Offer photos (professional or amateur) from your own interpretation or understanding of the theme and you could win a camera!
The contest is open to all who wish to participate.
For information call: 66-03-68, 0550-32-88-99
October 23-24 – Seminar on Music Therapy
Time: 9:00-17:00
Place: TBD
We invite all psychologists, educators, and musicians interested in music therapy to the seminar.
Dr. Hans-Helmut Decker-Voigt, one of Germany's well-known and outstanding musical therapists, will present his first seminar in Kyrgyzstan. Music therapy is not only about medicine, it is also widely used as an aid in education and rehabilitation. Musical therapy is employed for a wide range of things such as opening the potential of children and adults, easing anxiety, restoring strength, and helping to increase health.
Music therapy in Germany and other countries is a highly paid and well-respected profession. As a participant in this seminar you will not simply gain knowledge; you may also gain a future profession or specialty as well.
Requirement for participants: able to play a musical instrument or have vocal ability
Entrance fee: 2000 soms
For information and questions call: 49-19-55 (Kristina), 66-03-84 (Asel)
October 29th-30th – “Mentor-3” project opening
Place: Bishkek, “Dostuk” Hotel Conference Hall
The “Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva” International Public Foundation begins implementation of the third “Mentor” mentoring/advising project.
The goals of this year’s project are as follows: within the goals of bettering representations of gender and ethnicity, the project seeks to strengthen trust in police officers through directing high school graduates towards professions by mentoring/advising, and assisting one another in improving respect for those who serve in law-enforcement. The length of the project is 6 months (September 2015 – March 2016).
For information call: 66-03-82, 0555-00-74-43, 0555-75-70-96
October 30th – “Jailoo Kindergartens – centers for child development” and “Music – The soul of the people” projects present “Batken Friendship City” Festival
Time: 9:30-17:00
Place: Batken Oblast, Batken Rayon, Batken City. Music-Drama Theater.
October 30th – “TazaBISH” (Clean Bishkek) Eco-event
The event’s goal – Improving the level of ecological culture and responsibility in children and youth, and Bishkek residents and citizens by diverting people away from the attitude of an outside observer and instilling an attitude of participation in ecological actions and events.
All who wish to participate are invited.
For information call: 66-03-68, 0550-32-88-99
Ecological lecutre for Bishkek teachers for the Eco-project
Date, Time & Place TBD.
The lecture is being organized for ecology, biology, chemistry and geography teachers. Theme: «Green Classes»
For information call: 660-368, 0550-32-88-99
«Knowledge Caravan: natural sciences mobile workshop for Bishkek school students under the Eco-project»
Date, Time & Place TBD.
For information call: 660-368, 0550-32-88-99
October 31st – “Stars read books to children” project’s “We read Aitmatov”
Place: C. Aitmatov Library
Time: 11:00
Free admission.
For information call: 0550-77-66-27
Every week on Friday – “Genius” radio broadcast
Time: 13:30-14:00
Where: “First Radio” (FM 104.1 or listen online at
Every week hosts Gulzada Mederalieva and Asylbek Joodonbekov and guests will discuss topical issues on education and upbringing.
For information call: 0552-600-738 e-mail:
«Directory» course for private kindergarten and center directors
The course consists of four trainings, each with its own distinct theme.
Trainer – Maria Mirkes, Krasnoyarsk, Russia. Maria is the head of an anthropology school and has given trainings all across Russia to department heads. Her trainings have allowed others to open high quality kindergartens in many different regions of Russia.
We invite all valued private kindergarten and center directors, and those who desire to open their own kindergarten or center to attend the Directory course. The course has been specially designed for improving qualifications and strengthening the level of management of private pre-school organizations. What your private kindergarten or center can do in a competitive market, management methods, budgeting, highly pertinent personal advice – you can get acquainted with all of this at the training.
Cost of the 2-day training: 7000 soms. All must register with payment.
For information call: 66-03-84, 0772-800-376
“Music – The soul of the people”: Tajik musical culture concert
Date and Time TBD.
Place: Conservatory (Jantoshev St. 115. Where it crosses Soviet St.)
We invite all who are here this October to the Tajik musical culture concert. The concert is under the “Music – The soul of the people” project supported by the UNDP and UNESCO.
Free admission.
For information call: 660-382, 0772-800-376
All month in the country's oblasts: Training on the theme «Mobilizing local communities for moving forward the national politics surrounding Kyrgyz Republic's school lunch program»
Under the project «Moving forward the national program for Kyrgyz Republic school lunches», trainings in each of the country's oblasts will be held on the theme «Mobilizing local communities for moving forward the national politics surrounding Kyrgyz Republic's school lunch program»
Osh Oblast, Ozgon – 1, Alai – 1, Nookat Rayons – 1.
Jalal-Abad Oblast, Aksy – 3, Chatkal – 1, Nooken Rayons – 1.
Batken Oblast, Kadamjai – 2, Leilek – 1, Batken Rayons – 1.
Naryn Oblast, Jumgal Rayon.
Issyk-Kul Oblast – Tup Rayon.
Chui Oblast, Panfilov Rayon.
For members of local communities, Rayon Education Department representatives, CEC representatives, school directors, school care advisors, parents, parent committees, local council members, activists, specialist representatives, 15 teachers.
For information call: 66-03-84, 0772-32-88-07