The «Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva» International Public Foundation’s managing director D. S. Kendirbaeva attends the 7th Women’s Congress in Varshava
September 15, 2015 at 06:00
The “Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva” International Public Foundation’s managing director D. S. Kendirbaeva attended the 7th Women’s Congress at the invitation of president and organizer Dorota Varakomska. The event was held September 11-12 in Varshava’s “Torwar Hall” sports center, one of Poland’s sports centers.
The 7th Congress’s slogan was two-fold: “If not us, then who? If not now, then when?”
The two-day Women’s Congress had five sessions with corresponding panel discussions and section seminars as follows:
1. “World. Europe. Poland 2015.”
2. “Mother, Father, Child Guidance”
3. “20th Year of Beijing’s Platform”
4. “Love never runs out”
5. “How is Poland for Women?”
The main issues discussed at the Congress were: general conditions for Polish women, successes and failures, identifying successful methods for achieving past goals, the struggle for women’s rights, politics of such endeavors, the economy and community.
The “Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva” International Public Foundation’s “The Stars read books to Children” and “Open Education Resources” projects’ manager Kendirbaeva Dogdurkul Sharsheevna met with “Today’s Poland” Foundation’s president and Poland’s ABR Coalition’s leader Yaroslav Lipshitz and “ABCXXI – All of Poland reads to Children” Foundation representatives. During the meetings they discussed Open Education Resources and Poland’s experience of successes in pushing forward the message of the importance of reading for children, teenagers and families and the issues of service.
Full information about the Congress can be found at the following website: