Students learn how to plant trees at the Bishkek Eco Forum

April 27, 2015, 06:00

Students in Bishkek learned how to plant trees and care for plants under the supervision of experienced professionals pupils and students. This year’s Eco Forum was attended by thousands of young people. They heard national music, cooked traditional natural tea with the addition of flour and butter, and learned how to weave baskets. Workshops were given at six sites, according to channel "MIR 24" correspondent Zhaynagul Raimkulova.

"The kids are very interested. They are trying to get something, they want to home, such as cherries take root and spread, thus they give knowledge to their classmates," said Associate Professor, Department of Forestry and Horticulture Kubanichbek Turgunbaev.Kamila, who has never attended educational festivals before. This year, after learning about his orientation, he decided to go. Under the guidance of a teacher, he planted his first tree. Now consider: these holidays should be carried out more often. "I planted this tree for the first time, I really enjoyed it. I have never planted. It was very interesting, something new has learned, "- said a student of class 11, Camila Toktosun Kyzy.

A Christmas tree planted by organizer of the Ecofest, Roza Otunbayeva. According to her, educational days are essential. They help children to choose their future profession and educate them in love for their land and the desire to preserve nature. "All will go only when the training starts, when people learn how to do it,” said Otunbayeva, “thus the need for strong educational outlets." The festival lasted all day and more than 1.5 thousand students in Bishkek attended. Many of them have already decided to become environmentalists. The first Festival of Education was held in Kyrgyzstan in 2013. The host of the forum was former president of the Republic, Roza Otunbayeva.