The Ecoproject releases relevant information materials for citizens

April 15, 2015 at 06:00

Production studio “MEDIA LAB PRODUCTION” launches a series of information materials for the media Ecoproject of International Foundation "Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva" "Think globally - act locally: improving environmental responsibility among children and youth." Information materials will be prepared with the support of "Freedom of Information" of the "Soros-Kyrgyzstan" in "The promotion of diversity and urban activism through media and art-projects."

Between March and June 2015 as part of environmental projects will be discontinued 5 social information and educational videos to increase ecological culture of citizens. Videos will be broadcast on local television stations and will be distributed on social networks, as well as put on the site of the Third Festival of Education, which is held annually by the Foundation "Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva» (

The ecoproject "Think Globally - Act Locally: Improving environmental responsibility among children and youth" was launched on March 11. The aim of the project - increase civic responsibility and the level of environmental culture among children and youth, as well as residents of the city of Bishkek. All of us - the inhabitants of the city of Bishkek, guests of the capital, will not bystanders, and we own hands to create a favorable environment for healthy living and sustainable development of our city.

How can we create a city of dreams? Through a series of environmental measures on an ongoing basis on gardening, cleaning, cleaning areas, parks, its territories, its courtyards.

Will not be a bystander - will actively deal with negative behavior of citizens - spitting on the streets, snap seeds, sitting on benches down, throw garbage in the street.

As part of the eco-design events such as:

"Caravan of Knowledge: Mobile Natural Sciences Workshop," Lectures for teachers on environmental schools in the city of Bishkek, eco-action "Green Bishkek Schoolyard Greenification" action "TazaBISH" - clearing a certain area of debris, dead wood, and solid waste.

To date, production studio “MEDIA LAB PRODUCTION” has already begun media support all activities of eco-design. All footage is to be used in the final film in the Third Festival of Education, the first day which will be held April 24 in KNAU them. KI Scriabin, and the second - at seven sites in the central square of Bishkek.