Now you can read the book «After Three is Too Late» by Masaru Ibuka in the Kyrgyz language

April 2, 2015, 06:00

IPF "Roza Otunbayeva Initiative" organized the translation into Kyrgyz and release of the world-famous bestseller on education and development of young children "After three too late" ("Үch zhashtan kiyin ketch"), authored by Masaru Ibuka - one of the founders of the corporation "Sony ".

At the initiative of former Kyrgyz President Roza Otunbayeva to transfer the book is taken permission from the grandson Masaru Ibuka, and the translation into Kyrgyz made by the project coordinator Foundation "Jailoo Preschools" Asylbek Zhoodonbekovym.

The book contains a foreword written by former President KR, RI Otunbayeva.


Now you can read the book Masaru Ibuka in the Kyrgyz language in the electronic version.

Please, download, read and use this wonderful book.