«Ecology Lecture for Bishkek Teachers»

February 16, 2015, 06:00

Last Friday, February 13, 2015, in the school gymnasium № 70, a second lecture, organized within the framework of the lectures for teachers in Bishkek on ecology.

The lecture was attended by teachers of geography, biology and chemistry of the 83 schools in the city, as well as representatives of the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University.

The lecturers were ornithologist, PhD, Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor and Honored Scientist of the Kyrgyz Republic Emil Shukurov Dzhaparovich and environmentalist, Vice Chairman of the environmental movement "BIOM" Ilya Domashov. They told the participants about the basics of urban and schoolyard greenfication and gave recommendations on its implementation. Also, there were presentations of books about the nature and animals of Kyrgyzstan from the Public Fund "Taalim Forum", which are commercially available.

The second lecture in the environmental lectures for teachers of geography and biology series was carried out as part of the "Think Globally - Act Locally: The Promotion of Environmental Responsibility Among Children and Youth" project and the 3rd Festival of Education: Eco-Festival (April 24-25, 2015), the purpose of which is to promote environmental education and mobilization, eco-culture and environmental awareness, as well as the promotion of healthy lifestyles and fostering a sense of environmental responsibility.



International Foundation "Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva» (www.roza.kg) in collaboration with the Department of Education Mayor of Bishkek (www.edubishkek.kg), the Ecological Movement of Kyrgyzstan "Alain" and the Ecological Movement "BIOM" (www.biom.kg ).


Lecture materials in Russian-language PDFs

"School Greenification" – Emil Shukurov

"Planting Native Species" - Ilya Domashov

Memo from Lecturers