Visit to Batken Oblast

February 16, 2015, 06:00

The group consisting of K. Orozova, parliamentarian from the Kyrgyz Republic Jogorku Kenesh, S. Aidarov, southern regional representative from the United Nations World Food Program, T. Mamyrbaeva representative of the Healthcare Ministry, A. Joodanbekov and Daniyar Suiunduk uulu, “Jailoo Kindergartens” project coordinator and specialist from the International Public Foundation completed their trip to the Batken oblast on February 5-6, 2015.


During the visit, the group visited “Gaz” school and “Buchur” preschool in Gaz village as well as Toksonov School, which was selected as a pilot school for the UN World Food Program project of “Optimization of school nutrition in the Kyrgyz Republic”. Other visits included Gagarin and Navoi schools, “Barchyn” kindergarten in Isfana town, Jash-Tilek and “Madaniyat” schools in Toguz-Bulak village of Leilek rayon. During this visit, participants learned the organization of nutrition at these schools, improvement of preschool preparation and enrollment.


On the first day of the trip, participants met with the officials from Leilek rayon, Suluktu and Isfana towns. On February 6, meetings with officials from Batken and Kyzyl-Kiya towns, Kadamjai and Batken rayons took place.


Agenda of discussions during meetings:


1. Project goals and tasks: “Promoting state policy of school nutrition in the Kyrgyz Republic”. Presentation by Dr.Mamyrbaeva, Doctor of Medicine and Chief Dietician of the National Center for Motherhood and Children Protection, Ministry of Healthcare.


2. Increasing the number of kindergartens to ensure high enrollment of preschool age kids. Displaying successful organization of jailoo kindergartens in the video clip by A.Joodanbekov, project coordinator.


3. Project “Stars reading to children”.


4. Production of “Bobok yry” kids song collection.


5. “Promoting gender policy in the Kyrgyz Republic”, republican-wide women congress on March 2-3, 2015.


More than 150 people including Batken oblast governmental representatives, local government parliamentarians, heads of rayons, deputy heads on social sector, heads of city and rayon level education departments, heads of pasture land committees, school and kindergartens principals, heads of oblast and rayon sanitary and epidemic stations, village districts’ heads, board of veterans, board of women and youth, rural health committees, NGO leaders working in the field of children support, parents and leaders, women activists participated at the meetings. All suggestions and initiatives discussed at the meetings were positively perceived by the audience. S. Kalykov, Deputy Governor of the Batken oblast participated in all meetings.