Ecology lecture for Bishkek school teachers

January 19, 2015, 06:00

On January 15th, geography and biology teachers from 63 secondary schools in Bishkek attended the first part of the lecture on ecology at the Ecology and Economics Lyceum #65. Lectures will be conducted once every month.


The theme "Role of the schools in formation of the ecological awareness among future inhabitants of Bishkek city" was presented at the first lecture. Dmitry Vetoshkin, director of the public foundation for sustainable community development "Yrystan" presented the first lecture. The interactive lecture allowed participants to discuss current ecological problems at schools and in the city and to brainstorm new themes for the upcoming lectures.


The lectures are organized by the IPF "Roza Otunbayeva Initiative" in partnership with the Department of Education of the Bishkek city mayor's office.


The lectures are presented within the framework of the "Think globally-Act locally" project promoting ecological responsibility among children and youth, and the 3rd Festival of Education (Eco-Festival in April 2015), enhancing ecological mobilization and awareness, eco-culture, healthy lifestyles and environmental responsibility.