Trainings were conducted in Osh and Naryn to enhance communities’ ability to promote adequate nutrition

July 3, 2014, 06:00

June 21, 2014 -K.Aknazarova School, Naryn oblast and June 30, 2014 Naiman Secondary School, Osh hosted trainings for representatives of parents' committees, local government, school authorities, non-governmental sector in order to enhance the local community in promoting school nutrition policy.

During the training, participants learned about the positive experience of the pilot projects for school meals at the regional level, discussed the importance of inclusion in the school menu of hot meals and identified opportunities to improve the local community school meals.

Training participants made the following suggestions:


1. Create parental assets on the ground to improve school meals

2. Community control over the tender commission, as well as control over the implementation of the school nutrition program.

3. Increase the number of bidders

The Roza Otunbayeva Initiative as part of the “Promoting public school nutrition policy in the Kyrgyz Republic” project organized this trainingwith support from the World Food Programme.