The «Tunguch» Youth Theater invites all children to see their performance of the play «A Sham»

December 16, 2013, 06:00

The «Tunguch» Youth Theater invites all children to see their

performance of the play «A Sham»

What: The play “A Sham” by the Tunguch Youth Theater

When: December 17, 2013, 5:30 p.m.

Where: “Tunguch” Theater, 138 Chui Ave., Bishkek


A performance dedicated to the harmony between man and nature, as well as harmony and tolerance between different ethnic groups.

The play will mark the post-Soviet states’ “Year of Ecological Culture and the Environment.” The performance seeks to demonstrate and desire

to protect the environment, care for animals, foster a sense of  ownership in preserving nature and generate a desire to become happy

people living in harmony with the natural world.


Supported by the Roza Otunbayeva Initiative international public fund..


The artistic director of the performance is the “People’s Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic”, Jamal Seydakmatova.


To contact the manager of the Roza Otunbayeva Initiative, please call

+996 312 660 382, or +996 555 151 851