Invitation to the second lecture “The History of Kyrgyz Fine Arts. The Beginning.”

March 12, 2013, 06:00

We invite you to the second lecture “The History of Kyrgyz Fine Arts. The Beginning” which will take place on Wednesday, March 13th, 2013.

The Cinema Hall of the Kyrgyz State Fine Arts Museum named for G. Aitiev

Address: 196 Abdraxmanova

The lecture begins at 17:00

Lecturer: Gamal Bokonbaev, culturologist, director of the “Tolon Museum of Modern Art”, and well-known modern art theorist.

The lecture is about the beginning of the formation of a national school of paintings, drawings and sculptures in Kyrgyzstan. The lecture highlights the events of the 1930s years, when the national school of fine arts was formed and established. The beginning was successful. In Kyrgyzstan, the outstanding masters of their time were active, Semen Afansievich Chuikov, Vladimir Vitalievich Orbaztsov, Laslo Messarosh and many others. Their work served as a guide for the next generation of artists. Their selflessness and talent became a good basis for further development.

Lecture Program:

  • Chuikov and his supporters.
  • The method of Chuikov and Oraztsov, illuminating significant cultural events in the life of the republic.
  • The tragedy of the communist sculptor, L. Messarosh.
  • The primitive period in the works of Aitiev and Akylbekov

The lecture will be accompanied by a slide show.

Registering for the lecture by phone: +312 901 956, +312 664 959, +312 660 382, 0558 588 513; email:,

Tickets cost 100 som for adults and 50 som for students and pensioners.

Subscribing to the “History of Kyrgyz Fine Arts” cycle costs 600 som.