Provision on conduction of the Second city-wide contest of young reciters among children and young people of Kyrgyzstan “Peace through the Culture”

March 25, 2013, 06:00

The contest is being conducted from February 1 till May 12, 2013.

The organizer of the contest is “Alyie Parusa (Scarlet Sails)” PF together with the International Public Fund “Initiative of Roza Otunbaeva”.

General information about the Contest

1. General Provisions

1.1. The city-wide contest of young reciters among children and young people of Kyrgyzstan “Peace through the Culture” (hereinafter referred to as the Contest) is a competitive event on oral reading (declamation) of extracts from poetic and prose works of Kyrgyz, Russian and Foreign authors. Within the Contest the participants are proposed to read an extract from a work chosen by them in Kyrgyz, Russian or in any other language of the world.

2. Organizer of the Contest

2.1. The Organizer of the Contest is entrusted with the following functions on coordination and conduction of the Contest:

determination of conditions of the Contest conduction;

submission of all necessary information to the Participants concerning conditions and an order of the Contest conduction;

determination of a mechanism and criteria for the selection of materials and voting;

creation of equal conditions for all Participants of the Contest.

preselection of materials for the Contest;

making decision on the composition of the Organizing Committee;

distribution of information about the results of the Contest;

Note: the Organizer is obliged not to use the materials selected for the Contest for commercial purposes.

3. The Organizing Committee of the Contest

3.1. To prepare and organize the Contest and to fulfill the current work the organizing committee is to be established, which determines all organizational matters on economic provision and technique of the Contest, selection of jury, coordination of the project, conduction of the advertising campaign of the Contest; it also considers questions arising during the Contest, determines winners and organizes their award.

3.2. The Organizing Committee reserves the right to broadcast the final stage of the Contest and award of the prize winners over radio and television, as well as the exclusive right for audio, video, CD, DVD records of the Contest and their distribution without an additional honorarium.

3.3. The Organizing Committee of the Contest:

Tarasova I. V. – a Chairwoman of the Organizing Committee, a stage director of the studio of children’s and youth’s programs at the Public television and radio broadcasting corporation of KR;

Koychukulova J. – an executive director of the International Public Fund “Initiative of Roza Otunbaeva”;

Jumasheva A. – a coordinator of the Contest.

Contacts of the Contest Organizing Committee from 11.00 am till 7.00 pm – 0701 54 54 31; 0702 29 01 05

4. Aims and tasks of the Contest:

4.1. The Second city-wide contest of young reciters among children and young people of Kyrgyzstan “Peace through the Culture” (hereinafter referred to as the Contest) is conducted on the initiative of Nonprofit Partnership “Alyie Parusa (Scarlet Sails)” together with the International Public Fund “Initiative of Roza Otunbaeva” in order to attract attention of the public to the problems of reading among children and teenagers and to render all-round support to the talented youth.

4.2. Tasks of the Contest:

4.2.1. Familiarization of the rising generation with spiritual-moral and cultural values:

- broadening of the reading mind of children;

- to form and to support in the contestants a real interest, taste and habit to read highly artistic prose and poetry – Kyrgyz, Russian, foreign literature and dramaturgy;

- in a competitive form to show beauty and essence of works, their expressive possibilities, to create conditions for live sounding of works.

4.2.2. Strengthening (awakening) in the hearts and minds of the rising generation and adults:

- universal spiritual values, moral education of the youth;

- tolerance and mercy of a human being to a human being and to every living thing;

- awareness of social significance of possession of spiritual values and considerate attitude to them;

- development of children’s skills of adequate perception of printed information, elocution foundations education.

4.2.3. Popularization of recitation, education (awakening), support of stable interest to it as to an obvious carrier of purity and beauty of sounding speech by means of attraction of the greatest number of participants of all categories to the Contest;

- revival of traditions of home reading, increase of literacy rate of the population.

4.2.4. Attraction of attention of creative intellectuals and public at large to social significance of revelation and support of linguistically and artistically gifted teenagers and young people capable to carry real esthetic spiritual values from the high literature stage; giving possibility to them to reveal their talents.

4.2.5. Establishment and strengthening of a contest base as a creative laboratory for teachers of schools and institutions of additional education for such type of art and working procedure in it with all execution nominations of the contestants.

4.2.6. Increase of mass media interest to coverage of the range of problems;

- coverage of the achievements of contestants in mass media.

5. Participation conditions in the Contest

5.1. Participants of the Contest

The Contest is conducted for all comers: pupils of comprehensive secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums; students of secondary, special and higher educational institutions and readers from 8 to 20 years of age.

6. Application

6.1.. The Reason for participation in the Contest are the following documents presented to the Organizing Committee: an application for participation in Contest and a filled questionnaire of the Participant of the Contest, to which are enclosed 3х4 photography, a copy of the birth certificate or copy of the passport.

6.2. An application is accepted only with the enclosed literature material in an electronic or paper version.

6.3. If a participant of the Contest is presented from educational, social or another institution as a winner of the school contest, additionally to the application it is necessary to submit: a Protocol of the school stage of the Contest on the base of the educational institution with names of jury members, teachers (completely); with name and address of the institution; the phone number of the jury chairman. Presence of the seal and signature of the director of the educational institution is obligatory.

The first stage of the Content (I round) on the base of an educational institution is conducted till February 28, 2013, within educational institutions.

Note: An educational institution may present only three applicants, which are automatically accepted for the II round of the Contest after registration of their application for the participation in the City-wide Contest.

6.4. Applications for participation are accepted only fully completed till March 1, 2013, 5.00 pm at the National Library of KR, Director’s reception room (first floor to the right) at the address: 208, Abdrakhmanov Street, Bishkek, or in an electronic form at the site

6.5. If the applications include one and the same work, the Organizing Committee reserves right to recommend the following applicants to execute other fragments.

6.6. In case the candidate refuses to participate in the Contest, the documents will not be returned to him.

6.7. Winners of the First city-wide contest of young reciters among children and young people of Kyrgyzstan “Peace through the Culture” taking place in 2012 have no right to participate in this Contest. In the following contests they have right to participate pari passu with other participants.

7. Conditions of the Contest

7.1. A contestant may choose for artistic reading one work of any genre: a poem, a fable, a fairy tale, a parable, a fragment of a story, tale, essay (logically completed fragment) in Kyrgyz, Russian or another language of the world, recited from memory. The choice of the themes is free.

7.2. Recommended repertoire:

Poetry, prose, essay literature.

Many-coloured world of childhood.

Youth of the world – essay literature (literary portraits of modern youth, works of past years are also possible).

A close-up human being.

Our birds and beasts.

Eternal values – love, friendship, faithfulness.

My home is my Motherland.

My home is my Family.

Great names.

Sources and roots.

Art works, essays devoted to different types and genres of art.

8. Duration of a performance:

8.1. Execution of one work by each participant of the Contest should not exceed 3-5 minutes.

8.2. Duration of pure execution of each work must be mentioned in an application.

8.3. During performance the participants may use musical illustration, scenery, costumes.

8.4. Each participant of the Contest acts independently and may not use help of other people during the performance.

8.5. A participant has no right to use voice recording.

8.6. The Contest audition is made in public. The order of performances is set by tossing.

8.7. Participants being late for the beginning of the Contest are allowed to audition only by the special decision of the jury.

9. Financial conditions

9.1. Participants of the Contest transfer a target payment amounting 100 soms to the personal account of the Head of the Organizing Committee, account # 41715002633, UniCreditBank.

9.2. Collected target payments are spent for services for the Contest (provision with light and sound technical equipment, administrative and technical personnel, administrative expenses).

10. Time and place of the Contest stages

Stages of the Contest

10.1. Contest audition of the I round for private persons will be held from the 11th till the 30th of March, 2013, in

National Library of the Kyrgyz Republic at the address: Abdrahmanova st. # 208. from 14:00 till 17:00.

10.2. All participants of the Contest having passed a qualifying round may take part in the II round. The II round will be held from the 11th till the 30th of April, 2013, National Library of the Kyrgyz at the address: Abdrahmanova st. # 208.

10.3. The final round and a ceremonial sizing up will be held on May 12, 2013, from 14:00 till 17:00. The place will be determined nearer to the date of the event.

10.4. Semifinalists of the Contest have master classes conducted by the specialists in the sphere of stage speech and histrionic skill on expressive reading in order to master the accessible technologies of work: with a text, a word, by voice, by body, etc. Those willing are to foresee money for such expenses.

11. Assessment of the performances

11.1. To create equal possibilities for the participants of the Contest, taking into consideration their training, the contest-festival is conducted on the following masterly categories:

I group: “First steps” – children of 8 – 11 years of age (junior schoolchildren)

II – group: “Adolescence” children of 12 – 15 years of age (secondary school)

III – group: “Youth” boys and girls of 16 – 20 years of age (youth)

IV – group: “Peculiar children” (children with limited possibilities) from 8 to 20 years.

11.2. Main criteria of the jury marks:

- Knowledge of the text.

- Artistic meaningfulness of the literature material and its correspondence to the age and individuality of a performer.

- Masterly performance: performer’s awareness of and following a supertask, ability to guide an idea in perspective.

- Exactness and brightness of vision, emotional and expressive coloring of the performance.

- Technique of speech including voice maintenance: general distinctness of speech, diction; orthoepy; logics of sounding speech; expressiveness and clearness (logical stress, intoning, rhythmical exactness, timbre).

- Stage culture (clothes, manners, internal collection).

- Orderliness of stage director’s solution, proposed theme, its integrity.

12. Scale of marks

12.1. Each performance is assessed by each jury member according to the five-mark scale, the general mark of a performer is a sum of all marks.

12.2. Results are summed up at the close meeting by simple voting. Decision of the jury is executed by a protocol, it is considered to be close information without the right of appeal.

13. Determination of winners and awarding

13.1. Winners of the I round of the Contest are the participants having gained the greatest number of marks.

13.2. Winners of the school round automatically become participants of the II round of the Contest and must get registered in the National Library of the Kyrgyz Republic at the address Abdrahmanova st. # 208 till March 1, 2013, till 5.00 pm.

13.3. Winners of the II round of the Contest are 10 participants (in each category) having gained the greatest number of marks. Winners of the II round become participants of the final round of the Contest.

13.4. Decision on the determination of the Contest winners is made by the Organizing Committee by the presentation of the Selection Committee.

13.5. Decisions of the Organizing Committee are made by open voting by simple majority of votes. At equality of votes the vote of the Organizing Committee chairman is a decisive one. Meeting of the Organizing Committee is considered valid if it is attended by more than half of its members.

13.6. Members of the Organizing Committee must ensure non-disclosure of information about intermediate and final results of the Contest before the end of the Contest.

13.7. Winners of the final are 3 participants (in each category) having gained the greatest number of marks. They receive Diplomas of the Contest Laureates and valuable prizes.

13.8. A solemn final award ceremony to the Contest Winners will be held on May 12, 2013. A place will be determined closer to the date of the event.

13.9. Each participant of the Contest final round will get a Certificate of the participant.

14. Prize fund of the Contest

14.1. The Contest Organizing Committee sets the following prizes by groups:

I group: 8 – 11 years of age (junior schoolchildren)

1st prize – title of the Laureate of the I Class, a Winner’s Cup and a valuable prize

2nd prize – title of the Laureate of the II Class and a valuable prize

3rd prize – title of the Laureate of the III Class and a valuable prize

II – group: 12 – 15 years of age (secondary school)

1st prize – title of the Laureate of the I Class, a Winner’s Cup and a valuable prize

2nd prize – title of the Laureate of the II Class and a valuable prize

3rd prize – title of the Laureate of the III Class and a valuable prize

III – group: 16 – 20 years of age (youth)

1st prize – title of the Laureate of the I Class, a Winner’s Cup and a valuable prize

2nd prize – title of the Laureate of the II Class and a valuable prize

3rd prize – title of the Laureate of the III Class and a valuable prize

IV – group: Peculiar children

1st prize – title of the Laureate of the I Class, a Winner’s Cup and a valuable prize

2nd prize – title of the Laureate of the II Class and a valuable prize

3rd prize – title of the Laureate of the III Class and a valuable prize

14.2. Sponsors and other interested organizations may institute special prizes by the agreement with the Contest jury.

14.3. The Contest participants not having become laureates receive Certificates.

15. The Contest Jury

15.1. The Jury is formed of representatives of KR Ministry of Culture, professional actors and stage directors, teachers of the art of sounding word (recitation), writers and poets, workers of culture and art, teachers of the Kyrgyz and Russian languages, public figures.

15.2. The organizers preserve a right to appoint a jury and to change the date of the Contest audition.

15.3. The Jury preserves a right:

- to award not all prizes;

- to award special prizes.

Note: This Provision concerning the Second city-wide contest of young reciters among children and young people of Kyrgyzstan “Peace through the Culture” and a questionnaire blank are placed in internet at the site

Contacts of the Contest Organizing Committee from 11.00 am till 7.00 pm – 0701 54 54 31; 0702 29 01 05 or by e-mail: