The «Stars Reading to Children» event will take place on April 23

April 20, 2016, 06:00

The “Stars Reading to Children” event, held as part of the IV Festival of Education, will take place on April 23, 2016.


Children do not read as much as they used to, and this lack of interaction with books can negatively impact the development of their personalities and their creative potential. This event was created in order to draw attention to the importance of reading out-loud to children, as reading out loud is an indispensable part of the formation of children’s reading habits and love for reading.


As part of this event, well-known public figures (including actors, TV anchors, politicians, artists, and executives of large businesses) will read out loud to children.


This event will be conducted with the help of the Rabayat Puppet Theater. Members of the theater and their puppets will act out the fairy tales during the reading, all within the comfortable and magical interior of the Oak Park Gallery Hall.


The event will take place in two different venues:

1. The Oak Park Gallery

2. The “Rarity” Bookstore


The children’s guests will arrive as follows:

11:30 – Burul Acakeyeva – Children’s Literature Writer (Oak Park Gallery)

12:30 – Djanar Akayev – MP (“Rarity” Bookstore)

13:30 – Kairat Primberdiyev – Singer (Oak Park Gallery)

14:00 – Acilbek Ozubekov – Movie and Theatrical Actor (“Rarity” Bookstore)

15:00 – Gulnur Satilranova – People’s Actress of Kyrgyz Republic (Oak Park Gallery)

16:00 – Iuliya Rutskaya – Singer of Kyrgyz Republic (Oak Park Gallery)