Invitation to the Third Montessori Pedagogy Training

April 18, 2013, 06:00

The “Roza Otunbayeva Initiative” International Public Foundation is accepting a limited number of applications for the 3rd training on Montessori Pedagogy. 

Trainer – NadezhdaSmirnova, director of the International Institute of Montessori Education in Moscow. 

Participants may be educators, psychologists, parents and individuals who are planning to work in the future in the field of preschool education or open a kindergarten or children’s center. 

Today, Montessori Pedagogyis one of the most popular methods for early child development in many Western European countries, the USA, South Korea, Japan, India and others. 

One of the main principles of the methodology may be stated as “help me do it myself,” i.e. the role of the educator and parents is to provide the child with conditions that allow the child to undertake an activity independently. 

The training will be held from May 1st through 12th, 2013, in Bishkekat the SOS Children’s Village at: ul. Toktonalieva 137A. The training theme will be exercises in practical life, sensation, and mathematics. 

Registration for the training costs 5,000 som. Additionally, those that want to order Montessori equipment from Omsk may contact the Foundation. 

We ask you to take into consideration that the course is comprised of 8 80 hour trainings representing a total 940 hours required for certification. Certification will take place in Fall 2014. 

This training is the third in the series. Participants that have taken the entire training course will receive a “Montessori educator” certificate from the International Institute of Montessori Education in Moscow. The course will conclude in Fall 2014 and the trainings will be held every two months. 

For more information call: 660 382, 0772 800 376 (Asel Djakypbekova, Program Coordinator)