Environmental informational campaigns city contest. Contest procedures.

February 3, 2016, 06:00





Competition objectives:

- To increase interest in environmental education by preserving and increasing the amount of natural resources;

- To bring local environmental issues to the attention of students;

- To instill respect for nature with the creation of art.


Competition obligations:

- Identify and promote students in environmental education through theatrical activities;

- Attract the best informational campaign teams in order to promote environmental culture among the city population;

- Establish a children’s environmental preservation movement through influential environmental education;

- Develop a sense of ownership in students for problem solving towards environmental issues.


Competition participants: 

1. Informational campaign teams from Bishkek City creative and educational organizations.

2. Up to 10 members per team from students in grades 8-11.

3. Competition presentation time: 10 minutes.


Competition time and conditions: 

Nominations for the competition “Young Bishkekians Eco-Rules” will be held in two stages.

1. Regional (selection stage) – October 1, 2015 to March 10, 2016. Performed by regional experts.

2. City wide – March 11, 2016-02-15


Those interested in participating must register with the Bishkek City Mayor’s Office of Education: Bishkek, Kabinet #3, before March 3, 2016 to M. R. Kalygulova. Tel: 61-00-91, 61-37-01.


Presentations will be judged based on adherence to the competition theme, the relevancy of the issues addressed, integrity of production, and artistry.


Competition winners will receive awards and be invited to participate at The “Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva” IPF’s Fourth Education Festival, April 22-23, 2016.


The competition is being held by The “Initiative of Roza Otunbayeva” IPF in conjunction with the Bishkek City Mayor’s Office of Education through the eco-project “Think Globally, Act Locally: Increasing environmental responsibility among children and youth.”