Presentation of the eco-design of the installation workshop for teachers of geography
September 9, 2016 at 06:00On August 9, representatives of environmental project "Think globally, act locally: raising environmental responsibility among children and young people" took part in the installation workshop for teachers of geography "Problems of education of geography teachers in the light of the requirements of a professional teacher standards", organized by the Education Department of the City Hall of Bishkek. The seminar, held in the school gymnasium № 4, with presentations on the formation ... Direct link: Presentation of the eco-project of the installation workshop for teachers of geography Презентация Эко-проекта МОФ "Инициатива Розы Отунбаевой" «Эффективная и творческая система подготовки школьников к олимпиаде по географии» - учитель географии УВК №38 Сухина С.А. "Практическая работакак форма учебной деятельности" - учитель географии и экологии ШГ № 4 Ковалёва Наталья Андреевна