Press Release “Training for Ballet Artists from Kyrgyzstan in Austria”
May 3, 2013 at 06:00From the 19th to the 30th of April 2013, leading soloists from the Kyrgyz National Academy of Theatre, Opera and Ballet named for A. Maldybaev, Honored Artist of the KR Talant Osmonov and Asel Aidarova, completed a professional artistic internship in the Vienna State Opera in Austria. The event initiator was the Ex-President of the Kyrgyz Republic and the founder of the “Roza Otunbayeva Initiative” International Public Foundation, Roza Isakovna Otunbayeva. The internship program included workshops with international ballet masters in classical and modern choreography and artistic mastery. Our ballet soloists had the opportunity to watch practices and performances of the Vienna State Opera, visit the “Vienna Children’s Musical Theatre”, the Vienna Choreography School, and other theatrical organizations as well as the chance to become acquainted with the creative theatre organizations and cultural attractions of the Austrian capital. Information: Talant Osmonov is a ballet soloist and leading master of the stage at the Kyrgyz Opera and Ballet Theatre named for A. Maldybaev, is the recipient of the “Third Award”, was nominated for “Variety Dance” by the Second International Festival Competition of Solo Dance named for Makhmud Esembaev (Grozny, Republic of Chechnya, Russian Federation, October 2010), and was awarded the honor Honored Artist of the Kyrgyz Republic in October 2011. He is the recipient of many awards, including the Mark of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the KR “Madaniyattyn mykty kyzmatkeri” (September 2011), a prize and diploma from the Ministry of Culture and Information of the KR in nomination for the “Best Dancer of the Year” for his artistic accomplishments among the Republic’s educational institutions in 2010. He is a laureate for the Republic Prize named for the People’s Artist of the USSR Cholponbek Bazarbaev established by the Assembly of Culture of the KR for performing all leading roles in the troupe’s ballet repertoire in 2009, and was nominated together with ballet soloist Asel Aidarova for the “Best Ballet Duet in Kyrgyzstan” by the “Person of the Year in Kyrgyzstan” project at the Aziya Dauysy International Festival in 2008. Asel Aidarova is also a ballet soloist and leading master of the stage at the Kyrgyz Opera and Ballet Theatre named for A. Maldybaev. She is the recipient of many awards including the Certificate of Honor of the Kyrgyz Republic for services in the realm of culture and art (October 2010) and the Mark of the Ministry of Culture and Information of the KR “Madaniyattyn mykty kyzmatkeri” (June 2009). She is a laureate for the Republic Prize named for the People’s Artist of the USSR Byubyusary Beishenalieva established by the Assembly of Culture of the KR for the best performance of the Raimonda in A. Glazunov’s ballet of the same name (2008), was nominated together with ballet soloist Talant Osmonov for the “Best Ballet Duet in Kyrgyzstan” by the “Person of the Year in Kyrgyzstan” project at the Aziya Dauysy International Festival (2008), and was nominated for the “Grace” prize by Young Talent national competition (1999).