Reducing Domestic Violence through Increased Gender Sensitivity of CPDV Members and Activists in Tokmok City

From October 2023 to June 2024, the project "Increasing Gender Sensitivity and Capacity of CPDV Members and Activists in four Administrative-Territorial Units of Chui Region to Reduce Domestic Violence" will be implemented. The project tasks include conducting trainings for local committees. Each committee will also receive a $1,000 mini-grant for domestic violence reduction. The project is funded by the U.S. Embassy in the Kyrgyz Republic. The municipalities of Tokmok, Ivanovka, Baitik, and Belovodsk will receive training for newly formed local committees. The problem of domestic violence is growing every year. Unfortunately, in the vast majority of cases the victims of domestic violence are women, children, people with disabilities and elderly family members. The government is taking measures to reduce domestic violence. To this end, the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Protection and Defense against Family Violence" was adopted. As well as the "Plan of urgent measures to prevent domestic violence in the Kyrgyz Republic for 2020”, approved by the Deputy Prime Minister of the Kyrgyz Republic; Order No. 40 dated 13 March 2020 of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development of the Kyrgyz Republic and Order No. 01-18/35 dated 13 March 2020 of the State Agency of the Kyrgyz Republic on Local Self-Government and Interethnic Relations under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Approval of the Model Regulation of the Local Committee for Protection and Prevention of Domestic Violence". However, local committees must be informed about how CPDV works, the mechanism of interaction between the subjects of CPDV, and the steps each member of the committee should take when called in case of family violence. Additionally, they should be aware of the first aid that should be given to victims of domestic violence. It is not uncommon for the police to fail to register the application of a victim of domestic violence or to issue a protection order to a woman victim of violence, which can lead to horrifying high-profile cases. Assisting and supporting victims of domestic violence in accordance with the law, broad information work among the population, youth and children can therefore become a pillar in the fight against domestic violence. The project aims to strengthen civil society in the field of gender-based violence through prevention measures. Improve gender sensitivity among 100 community leaders and members of CPDV (Committees for Prevention of Domestic Violence) through gender-sensitive training and development of a Kyrgyz language manual on preventing domestic violence. Enhance skills and knowledge to effectively address gender-based violence among local communities and members of CPDV (Committees on Prevention of Domestic Violence) through the implementation of local mini-grant initiatives.

Project goals:

Усилить гражданское общество в области гендерного насилия через меры по его профилактике. Повысить гендерную чувствительность среди 100 лидеров местных сообществ и членов КПНС (Комитетов по предотвращению насилия в семье) через гендерно-чувствительные тренинги и развитие руководства на кыргызском языке по предупреждению насилия в семье. Повысить навыки и знания, необходимые для эффективного решения гендерно-ориентированного насилия среди местных сообществ и членов КПНС (Комитеты по предотвращению насилия в семье) через реализацию местных инициатив по мини-грантам.

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